The Art of Lymph Support

Our lymphatic system plays a critical role in immune health, is a major factor in our ability to detoxify, and helps to keep us in an anti-inflammatory state. If this weren’t enough, it also impacts the health of our thyroid and hair follicles—it may be one of the factors in reversing alopecia and Hashimoto’s.

Hypothyroidism: Not Just a Women’s Issue

Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s (autoimmune hypothyroidism) are often thought of as a women’s health issue, but we cannot neglect the fact that many males also suffer from this life-altering condition. In fact, Hashimoto’s is on the rise for men and has been for a number of years.

Low Fiber: A Low-Carb Casualty

The importance of fiber in the diet is indisputable and has a profound impact on our digestive health and microbiome, our 100 trillion organism-strong “mini ecosystem.” Most Americans are fiber deficient—some experts in the functional medicine community claim that it’s the most clinically important dietary deficiency.