Coming Soon :: the Fire Your Thyroid Teleseminar Series

After three years of reading and research about natural, drug-free ways to jumpstart my sluggish thyroid, which meant putting a stop to my weight gain, relieving my afternoon fatigue, facing my day alert versus feeling like I’d been beaten up the night before, and helping many of my clients do the same, I am developing a teleseminar series that is going to be the best of my thinking and personal experience with getting this gland in gear.

You Have to Get Jenny's Cookbook

It’s nearly impossible to be attuned to the Minnesota local and sustainable foods drumbeat and not know chef Jenny Breen. I met this veteran good food advocate at an Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) local foods event a few years ago. When it comes to the local and sustainable food movement, she’s no Jenny-come-lately. Jenny was local when local wasn’t cool. She’s a petite powerhouse, a no-nonsense visionary and entrepreneur who will undoubtedly continue to be on the front lines, educating her students, customers, and the rest of us about the importance of real food.

Allergies Making You a Basket Case?

Got nasal congestion, itchy and burning eyes, the sneezes, fatigue, headaches, runny nose, sore throat, and brain fog? You’re not alone. Everything is abloom and while it’s wondrous to finally see green after our long, cold winter, suffering from allergies can make many want to become shut-ins.