This Week's (really last week's) News Roundup

Yesterday was my husband’s birthday. We had a wonderful day together (no working!) and a lovely evening with his parents the night before. But today, I’m feeling kinda guilty because I’m not proud of what I put in my mouth yesterday. Wanna know? I’ll tell ya…a donut, nachos, and pizza. And I had a Mr. Pibb. That’s right.

The donut and pizza were gluten free (if you know me, you know this is a given), and the nachos were from Bryant Lake Bowl, a Twin Cities restaurant that does one of the darn best jobs sourcing sustainably (hormone-free cheese, non-GMO chips, etc.). But still …

And as much as I preach against soda, that Mr. Pibb tasted damn good. I could have had another one.

By the end of this let-it-all-hang-out lapse in judgment, I was able to very easily pass on the cake being passed around last night. Granted, it wasn’t gluten free, but it didn’t even look good. Blech.

I really don’t know what the hell got into me. But I’m not going to beat myself up too much. I had a great workout today, and, to practice what I preach, I’m telling myself that one day of “being bad” isn’t going to thwart an otherwise whole foods-based diet. And I do believe in Pareto’s Principle, aka the 80/20 rule.

I’m not sure why I’m telling you this. Absolution, perhaps? To tell you that health coaches aren’t perfect? That we say, “To hell with it” sometimes?

Anyway, on with the good word from last week…

“You can sit there forever, lamenting about how bad you’ve been, feeling guilty until you die, and not one tiny slice of that guilt will do anything to change a single thing in the past. Forgive yourself, then move on.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

“We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.” - Alfred E. Newman

“I’ve long known that there is a connection between physical clutter in your home and illness in the body. Think of a stuffed attic, garage, or basement as the “colon” of your home. When you declutter your home, space opens up in your life on all levels.” Dr. Christiane Northrup 

“We eat 3-5 meals a day; that’s 3-5 opportunities to improve our health.” - Chef Pete Ghione

“If we don’t do something about the diabesity epidemic, our world will suffer for it. Remember, projections suggest that by 2020 half of the population will have prediabetes. We have to work together to avert this disaster.” – Dr. Mark Hyman

* * *

Supermarket Meat Comes From Sick Animals

Breast Cancer Study Finds Parabens in Virtually All Tumors

Five Packaged Foods You Never Need to Buy Again

Soda’s Evil Twin: Fruit Drinks

Put Yourself on Your To-Do List 

12 Nutrient-Rich Snack Ideas (Sugar-Free)

10 Rules to Eat Safely for Life (and What to Remove from Your Kitchen)

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