Deborrah Cisneros, RN's picture

Registered Nurse (RN)
National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)
Functional Medicine Certified Health and Wellness Coach (FMCHC)
Digestive health expert
Founder, FX Health Solutions
Healthful Elements Inc. referral partner

Practice areas: digestive health, stool analysis, digestive pathogens, cognitive decline, homeopathy

I remember the day my health challenges began like it was yesterday. I was walking into work and took a step with my right leg and couldn’t bear weight on it. I was admitted to the hospital and had all kinds of tests run, only to be released four days later with no answers. Over the next 15 years, I continued to have intermittent pain that increased in intensity and frequency and an inability to walk long distances. This led to me giving up my nursing career—something I had dreamed of being since I was a little girl and that I enjoyed immensely.

At the age of 45, I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis with bone death to my right hip, requiring replacement. Asking “why” opened my eyes and led to the discovery of Functional Medicine (FM). 

Despite being a nurse, it wasn’t until I attended the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy that I learned the impact of environmental toxins, diet, and lifestyle as well as the connection between our gut and overall health. This knowledge couldn’t be kept to myself—I had to share with others and I became passionate about educating, empowering, and encouraging individuals with chronic disease to push back on “this is how it is.” Because it’s not!

Our healthcare system is broken. Pharmaceuticals are continually thrown at every health problem with no discussion about diet and lifestyle. If they are mentioned, patients are often left on their own with no help with implementation. I strive to give individuals hope, knowledge, and the know-how to use dietary and lifestyle modification to prevent and even reverse most symptoms and many serious conditions.

It is my belief that ALL individuals, from all walks of life, should have at their disposal knowledge of and access to therapies beyond Western medicine such as herbal medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, nutritional coaching, and more. 

Love of learning is my #2 character strength, which has led to the following trainings and certifications:

  • Registered Nurse (RN)
  • National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)
  • Functional Medicine Certified Health and Wellness Coach (FMCHC)
  • Clinical Homeopathy (150 hr)
  • Certified Gluten-Free Practitioner
  • SIBO Practitioner Course: Fundamentals of SIBO, SIBO Masterclass, Advanced Case Management
  • HeartMath Certified Practitioner
  • Reversing Cognitive Decline (RECODE – Dale Bredesen)
  • Nutritional Counselor: Full Body System (Andrea Nakayama)
  • FirstLine Therapy Certified (Metagenics)
  • Tiny Habits Certified Coach
  • Talking Toxins Certificate of Completion
  • Many microbiome specific trainings including:
    • Blastocystis and Dientamoeba: GIT Pathogens or Commensal Symbionts
    • Stool Analysis Masterclass and Meet Your Microbiome
    • Advanced Probiotic Prescribing
    • GI Masterclass I & II
    • The Microbiome Masterclass I & II
    • Natural Gastrointestinal Masterclass
    • Liver and Gallbladder Masterclass

Although I work with my own clients, I’m thrilled to be Healthful Elements’ resident GI Map expert and coach. GI Map (by Diagnostic Solutions) is the stool analysis that all of Jill and Dr. Elizabeth’s clients and students receive as part of their program and I’ve greatly enjoyed connecting with these clients—and helping them along their journey to optimal health.