Hypothyroidism: Not Just a Women’s Issue

Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s (autoimmune hypothyroidism) are often thought of as a women’s health issue, but we cannot neglect the fact that many males also suffer from this life-altering condition. In fact, Hashimoto’s is on the rise for men and has been for a number of years.

Low Fiber: A Low-Carb Casualty

The importance of fiber in the diet is indisputable and has a profound impact on our digestive health and microbiome, our 100 trillion organism-strong “mini ecosystem.” Most Americans are fiber deficient—some experts in the functional medicine community claim that it’s the most clinically important dietary deficiency.

What’s Your Thyroid Telling You?

It starts out “innocently” enough. You’re feeling fatigued, but you chalk it up to the demands of life. You’re feeling down, but you tell yourself that we can all get down when we’re tired. Then, there’s a spare tire around your middle. You can’t poop. You get chilled more easily. And you’re shedding hair.

Do You Need a Biopsy for Alopecia?

While we understand the desire for a label or “official” diagnosis, it makes me scratch my head (no pun intended) that providers offer scalp biopsies because while they claim that they’ll help to determine an “accurate diagnosis,” they rarely change their treatment plan based on the results.