Tackling Candida: Part 2
Despite what you may have heard, cleansing yeast does NOT need to be difficult. And it doesn’t have to take months. Here’s my straightforward protocol for both testing and clearing candida.
Despite what you may have heard, cleansing yeast does NOT need to be difficult. And it doesn’t have to take months. Here’s my straightforward protocol for both testing and clearing candida.
Candida albicans (intestinal yeast) is a fungal organism that’s a normal and expected presence in our digestive environment. But problems arise—sometimes serious problems—when there’s an overpopulation of pathogenic yeast and it becomes opportunistic.
Our lymphatic system plays a critical role in immune health, is a major factor in our ability to detoxify, and helps to keep us in an anti-inflammatory state. If this weren’t enough, it also impacts the health of our thyroid and hair follicles—it may be one of the factors in reversing alopecia and Hashimoto’s.
I’m doing some things differently with my alopecia group coaching program. And if you suffer from hair loss…of any pattern…I hope that you’ll consider taking this new journey with me.
The hormones that are most commonly associated with hair loss are the androgens (DHEA, testosterone, and DHT) and thyroid (hypothyroidism). There are others that are equally important, like cortisol, and another is prolactin, which rarely gets the attention it deserves.