The Year-Long Reversing Alopecia Roadmap

I’m doing some things differently with my alopecia group coaching program. And if you suffer from hair loss…of any pattern…I hope that you’ll consider taking this new journey with me.
The former Reversing Alopecia Mastercourse has moved to a new format. And I’m inviting you to join me…for a year.
Yes, a year.
(And yes, I’m still doing private, individualized, 1:1 coaching.)
There are two levels of Roadmap engagement available and no matter what program you choose, you’ll get LIVE support.
I shared my new Reversing Alopecia Roadmap outline with one of my colleagues who said…
“Wow, you’re pouring some major love into these people. Jill, you are integral in creating the new healthcare system. This is like concierge level support when most people can’t get a single appointment with a functional medicine provider for less than $2500. And you’re doing this for a whole year? Kudos to you.”
Many with alopecia have very legitimate and well-founded concerns about MAS (multiple autoimmune syndrome) and the additional ramifications of ongoing hormonal imbalances. While cessation of loss and hair growth are certainly a goal, they’re worried about the associated imbalances that often accompany alopecia, no matter what loss pattern.
Let me support you. Let me help you get unstuck.
Please know that unlike some programs, I’m not into herding people through the gate with no consideration for whether they’re engaging or where they are in the journey.
I’m not going to “mother hen” you, but I CARE about your journey and I’ll be there for you with four private coaching sessions in addition to the 22 educational modules. The engaging modules are recorded and you can listen on your own time, but unlike some online courses, this isn’t a “set it and forget it” program.
In other words, it’s not a DIY thing. I’m engaged. I’m not launching the 22 modules and turning my attention away—I’m in it for you to win it.
I’m thrilled with what I’ve created. And if taking part in the Reversing Alopecia course is something you’ve wanted to do, this is your opportunity to let me support you for a year.
Keep in mind, there is no “launch” with this program—you can jump in at any time, absorb the modules on your own time, and schedule your private coaching sessions as it works for you.
For Intensive participants:
- You’ll get private chat support in the course portal.
- You’ll receive a 25% discount on individual, 1:1 sessions, if you feel that you need them.
No matter what path you choose, you will NOT be on your own. Again, this isn’t a DIY thing.
The 22 educational modules are ready for you in my beautiful online client portal. And again, if you choose the Intensive option, you’ll receive ongoing private chat support.
I’d love to support you.
Join The Reversing Alopecia Roadmap >
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You can go here to schedule a private, Jumpstart session to discuss your options. If you choose to move forward with either a private coaching program or one of the Roadmap options, the cost of the Jumpstart is credited back to you.
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