Reclaiming My Power: 11 Reasons I Left the Medical Matrix

Posted by Healthful Elements Staff

The medical matrix was developed to save you from the horror of being human. If you’re a machine, you can trust the experts to “fix” you and then you don’t have to get into all that “emotional human stuff.” That would be great if it worked.

My Personal Journey Beyond “Depression” and Hashimoto’s

Posted by Healthful Elements Staff

I’ve traveled this complicated path of undiagnosed autoimmune hypothyroidism and depression that was, perhaps, misdiagnosed. And as I look back over the last 20 years through a different lens, I see that I identify with all of these underlying issues that led to the overly simplistic diagnosis of “depression.”

Depression: Is it Undiagnosed Autoimmune Hypothyroidism?

Posted by Healthful Elements Staff

If you’re experiencing weight gain, sleep disturbance, brain fog, anxiety, exhaustion, forgetfulness, relationship issues, loss of libido, or lack of motivation, would it surprise you to know that these symptoms are present in both depression and hypothyroidism?