Tackling Candida: Part 2
Despite what you may have heard, cleansing yeast does NOT need to be difficult. And it doesn’t have to take months. Here’s my straightforward protocol for both testing and clearing candida.
Despite what you may have heard, cleansing yeast does NOT need to be difficult. And it doesn’t have to take months. Here’s my straightforward protocol for both testing and clearing candida.
Candida albicans (intestinal yeast) is a fungal organism that’s a normal and expected presence in our digestive environment. But problems arise—sometimes serious problems—when there’s an overpopulation of pathogenic yeast and it becomes opportunistic.
It starts out “innocently” enough. You’re feeling fatigued, but you chalk it up to the demands of life. You’re feeling down, but you tell yourself that we can all get down when we’re tired. Then, there’s a spare tire around your middle. You can’t poop. You get chilled more easily. And you’re shedding hair.
While we understand the desire for a label or “official” diagnosis, it makes me scratch my head (no pun intended) that providers offer scalp biopsies because while they claim that they’ll help to determine an “accurate diagnosis,” they rarely change their treatment plan based on the results.
I’ve been closely following the news stories and the scientific literature about coronavirus. There’s so much we still don’t know—and there are many reasons to be skeptical. Question everything. Do the research for yourself.
How we’ve been misled about the “anti-vaxx” movement and why medical freedom matters…
How we’ve been misled about the “anti-vaxx” movement and why medical freedom matters…
You don’t hear much about PREbiotics, the non-digestible fibers in certain foods that enhance the microbiome by fertilizing the colonization of healthy bacteria. Learn how they work synergistically with probiotics for healthy gut function.
Having a healthy balance of good bacteria helps prevent chronic and degenerative diseases, improves digestion, possesses anti-cancer and immune boosting properties, and controls inflammation. For anything that ails you, consider that the health of your gut may be one of the keys to feeling better.
You want the healthiest eggs, right? But all of the different eco-labeling can make things confusing. Here’s a guide on how to read egg labels.