7 Reasons to Think Critically About COVID-19

The views expressed here may or may not be shared with my employees, former employees, co-authors, advisors, or affiliates. They are expressly my own.
I got my first bald spot—right on top of my head—when I was in junior high. I was on the swim team and there’s nothing like wet hair to display bald spots, as I’ve written about before.
I was prescribed a conventional treatment, cortisol injections. But for a young teen going through puberty, getting shots of corticosteroids in my scalp (“the cure”) turned out to be worse for me—way worse—than the alopecia.
I’ve long struggled with this ongoing condition, off and on. In my early 40s, my alopecia got so bad that I was half bald. Today, my curls are back and thankfully, I didn’t have to resort to wearing a wig. I reversed my alopecia without using drugs, injections, or steroids.
If my eventual triumph over alopecia (and Hashimoto’s in the years prior) has taught me anything, it’s that it’s important to think critically. It’s imperative to question everything, weigh the risks and benefits of medical advice, and most importantly, look for underlying causes of illness and disease.
When we uncover the root causes, we can treat the real problems and, in most cases, reverse the condition. This is part of the basic philosophy by which I live my life and coach my clients. It’s also the approach that more holistically minded healthcare practitioners, including functional and integrative medical doctors, use to help their patients.
Challenging Times
These are trying times. Although the cases of COVID-19 seem to be on the decline, many are afraid, still, to leave their houses. Healthy people are terrified of other healthy people. Neighbors are still flinching away from each other in fear. Strangers are yelling at each other in the post office for getting too close, wearing masks, or not wearing masks.
Go here for my more recent article, COVID-19 in America >
I recently went for a walk with a friend by the Mississippi River near my home. There was no one else on the path, it was warm, and she insisted on walking 6 feet apart. She still wore a mask. When it was time to part, she gave me an air hug. We’re both healthy. Neither of us has had any exposure to the coronavirus. “My family would kill me if I hugged you,” she apologized.
Otherwise rational and grounded people, including some of my closest colleagues, seem to be thinking with their amygdala instead of their frontal cortex: wearing masks while alone in the car, shaming grandparents for hugging their grandchildren, and accusing thought leaders who are optimistic about coronavirus recovery rates of being “dangerous,” “narcissistic,” “selfish,” and “misinformed.”
In the meantime, the economy is being devastated, people are starving for human contact, and suicide rates, already skyrocketing among young people, are at an all-time high.
How do you know who or what to believe? How do you separate fact from fiction? How do you make the best, safest, and most informed choices for yourself and for your children? These are questions I ask myself every day: about alopecia, about Hashimoto’s, about vaccines, and now, of course, about COVID-19.
Think Critically About COVID-19
I’m not here to tell you how or what to think.
What I do want to tell you is to think for yourself. To think critically. To say “no” to groupthink. To be ready to question—both your own assumptions and other people’s.
Please, think critically about COVID-19.
Question everything. Do the research for yourself. Don’t blindly trust or follow any news source, thought leader, or medical doctor. The person who does deserve your blind trust and unconditional love? You.
I’ve been closely following the news stories and the scientific literature about coronavirus. There’s so much we still don’t know—and there are many reasons to be skeptical.
And at this point, I’m extremely concerned—as many of the world’s experts are (including this one, this one, this one, and this one)—that our response to the virus is doing more harm than the virus itself.
As you think critically about COVID-19 and do your own research, here are 7 points to consider.
Your risk of dying from coronavirus is extremely low. According to Scott Atlas, MD, Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center, most people—the vast majority—are not at risk from dying from coronavirus. This is based on research coming out of Stanford and it’s good news. Death from coronavirus is most likely only .1 to .2 percent, much lower than predicted, as Atlas explains in an excellent op-ed in The Hill.
Our denominators are most likely wrong. As hard as policymakers are working to collect data, we simply do not have accurate statistics about coronavirus. It looks like, contrary to early predictions, most people who get it will have mild cases or even be asymptomatic. This study from China revealed that 94% of children were asymptomatic or had very mild symptoms. Another recent study has shown that an asymptomatic carrier who was in contact with 455 other people spread the virus to no one.
While fear-mongering media outlets may use these facts to assert that the virus is “dangerous,” the opposite is true. If most people show no symptoms, that means this is a mild virus for most people! If a person with no symptoms came into contact with 455 others and not a single one got the virus, that means this virus may have an extremely low level of contagion among healthy people.
Drumming up fear of asymptomatic carriers sounds a lot to me like vilifying healthy children for not being vaccinated. It’s convenient to sell fear, pharmaceutical stocks, and link clicks. But it’s completely irrational. Junk thinking at its best.
[Speaking of drumming up fear, in response to recent media reports that ICUs are “full of COVID patients,” my nurse friend stated, “As someone who has worked in critical care and ICU, I can attest that ICUs are always full. That’s just the nature of ICU. As one patient moves out, another is lined up to come in. It’s a very rare event that we have more than one or two beds open in ICU at any given time. In fact, the majority of the time, every single bed is full. I’m not surprised in the least that the ICUs are filling up. We’ve put off so-called ‘elective’ surgeries for months. Many of these procedures have turned into critical emergent procedures. A patient who would once recover on the regular medical/surgical floor may now need a critical ICU bed due to the further damage caused to their body by waiting on a procedure or surgery.” - Sarah Copeland, RN]
We humans cohabitate with viruses and bacteria. I know we’ve all been told to fear this virus. But if you’ve ever studied evolution you know that our species lives in symbiosis with microorganisms, as does every animal on the planet. Viruses and bacteria are not our enemies. We are our viruses, as Charles Einstein, quoting Lynn Margulis, PhD, says in this beautiful essay. We don’t need to sanitize and destroy all microorganisms that live mostly in harmony and often in beneficial relationships with us.
The virus isn’t the problem.
When you look at this issue more holistically, you realize that it’s the “host” or the “terrain” that’s the problem. We do need to be concerned about what may be compromising our health, making our bodies unable to fight off the virus. But it’s not the virus itself that’s the enemy.
As Margulis and her son, Dorion Sagan, explain in their book, Garden of Microbial Delights, “Historically … we have feared and despised all [microbes] because of the disease-carrying tendencies of only a few. Indeed, it makes sense that we would be most concerned with their adverse effects since we have had to respond to these and not to their beneficial effects in order to secure and prolong our survival. Fear induces us to avoid or destroy that of which we are afraid. But with thousands of microbes on every square inch of skin there is no avoiding or destroying them without killing ourselves.”
So before you buy a case of hand sanitizer, bleach, and hydrogen peroxide, read some articles about the hygiene hypothesis. Being “too clean” may actually be harmful to our health.
The reported COVID-19 death rates are not accurate. There has been a huge push to list every death of a human with COVID-19 as a death from COVID-19. But there’s a big difference between dying WITH a virus and dying FROM a virus (see #3).
Consider this: When they tested healthy people, researchers from Washington University found that 92% of them had between 1 and 15 “damaging” or even “deadly” viruses in and on their bodies. Please understand that I’m not downplaying the tragedy of death from this virus, nor its sometimes deadly nature. But what I am doing is asking you to think critically about these news stories and remember that the actual COVID-19 death rate is very difficult to calculate.
If we’re using flawed data in these calculations (see #2), it’s likely the death rate from COVID-19 is much lower than reported.
Healthy people have died from this virus. But scientists have repeatedly confirmed that the vast majority of people who succumb have underlying health conditions (what researchers and medical doctors call “comorbidities”). In many cases, those comorbidities are the real cause of death.
A friend shared that his obese uncle had diabetes and went to the hospital with dangerously elevated blood sugar levels. He died of diabetes but was tested posthumously for coronavirus. When the test came back positive, the cause of death was listed as COVID-19, despite the family’s objections.
Indeed, I’ve been told by emergency room staff that because of extreme pressure by hospital administrators and politicians, they are being told to list an “unknown” cause of death as COVID-19.
The truth is, we may be vastly overestimating the death rates.
Medical mismanagement is contributing to poor coronavirus outcomes. Remember that medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in America, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University. That hasn’t magically changed during this current situation. People who succumb to COVID-19 may actually be dying from medical mismanagement and medical mistakes.
This mismanagement includes prescribing antibiotics, which we know from scientific studies like this one can turn viral lung infections deadly. It also includes recommending Tylenol, which we know can be devastating for the lungs by depleting glutathione, even at low doses. Glutathione seems to be a crucial antioxidant to help people with COVID heal. And we also have a growing body of clinical and scientific evidence that suggests that the misuse or overuse of respirators may be killing people with coronavirus.
Perhaps even more disturbingly, this coronavirus is disproportionately affecting people of color in the United States. Throughout the country, black and Hispanic Americans have been hit hardest. While black Americans account for only 13 percent of the population, nearly 60 percent of coronavirus deaths are happening in counties with the highest numbers of black people (source).
Access to healthy food, avoiding air pollution and other toxic exposures that harm the lungs, and being able to maintain social distancing are all strategies of privilege. “In certain communities these privileges are simply not accessible,” insists Clyde W. Yancy, MD, in an opinion piece published in JAMA.
“COVID-19 has become the herald event that now fully exposes the deep and chronic social wounds in US communities,” Yancy writes, calling this crisis “a moment of ethical reckoning,” and pointing out that, “The scourge of COVID-19 will end, but health care disparities will persist.” If ever we could turn tribulation into triumph, this crisis could serve as a catalyst to end the entrenched racism in our health care system.
Vaccines are not the answer to the COVID crisis. The world seems to be holding its collective breath for a vaccine for this virus. Several governors across the U.S. have insisted that they’ll not be able to fully open their states until every denizen has been vaccinated. But in this case, as doctors around the world (like this one, this one, and this one) have pointed out, a vaccine may not be able to save us. Keep in mind that we’ve never been able to create a safe and effective vaccination against a coronavirus. And that a recent monkey trial showed a failure rate of 100 percent.
It would be irresponsible and potentially catastrophic for researchers to rush an unsafe vaccine to market, which is what happened in the Philippines where a vaccine against Dengue fever turned out to “prime” the immune system and make previously vaccinated children more likely to die if they were subsequently infected with Dengue.
As reported by NPR, the push for universal vaccination with an unsafe vaccine has caused devastation for families in the Philippines. When you don’t know history, you’re more apt to repeat it.
Right now, things don’t look promising for a COVID-19 vaccine. In fact, it may be over-vaccination that’s partly to blame for this crisis in the first place. We know from peer-reviewed scientific research published in the journal Vaccines that influenza vaccination increases the risk of other viral infections, a phenomenon that scientists call “viral interference.”
In a study of over 6000 participants, these scientists found that vaccine-derived viral interference was significantly associated with coronavirus. In plain English, participants who got the flu vaccine were at significantly greater risk for getting infected with coronavirus.
Masks may do more harm than good. We’ve been told masks don’t work. We’ve been told masks are essential. Some public schools are requiring that children wear masks.
I’d like to gently suggest that you think critically about mask wearing as well. Masks make it harder to breathe, increasing blood levels of carbon dioxide. They also cause harm to deaf people, people with autism and other cognitive differences who need visual cues to help them communicate, and anyone with hearing loss. Wearing a mask—whether it is an N95 mask or a cloth facial covering—is not a benign choice. As hard as this is to consider, we have to look critically at this CDC recommendation as well. Masks for all, according to these two experts, is not based on sound science.
As Jennifer Margulis, PhD, states, “There are so many obvious reasons why homemade masks may be problematic. If they aren’t made with organic cotton, you’re potentially breathing in pesticide and herbicide residues. The staph infections are real. I wear glasses. When I wear a mask, my glasses fog up. That sheen of moisture is also being trapped behind the cotton, a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.”
In JB Handley’s new article, LOCKDOWN LUNACY: the thinking person’s guide, he states, “Science shows masks are ineffective to halt the spread of COVID-19, and the WHO recommends they should only be worn by healthy people if treating or living with someone with a COVID-19 infection.” In the article, he quotes Dr. April Baller, public health specialist for the WHO, who said, “If you do not have any respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough or runny nose, you do not need to wear a mask. Masks should only be used by health care workers, caretakers or by people who are sick with symptoms of fever and cough.”
Mental Health and Physical Wellbeing
Once you start thinking critically about COVID-19, you realize that there’s more missing information than “misinformation.” You realize that panic and stress aren’t the answer, and that some of the “cures” may be more harmful than the virus.
The former director of Israel’s Health Ministry argues that the data we do have show that it’s time to end the lockdown. This is a sentiment echoed by thought leaders and health experts around the world, including Knut M. Wittkowksi, PhD, a former research associate at Rockefeller University, where he works on biostatistics and epidemiology (source).
I believe we all need to attend more to our mental health and physical wellbeing. My friends and colleagues in the functional health community agree.
I just wrapped up teaching a 2.5-month long Reversing Alopecia course. And in my work with course participants and also my private coaching clients, I’m hearing that people have been reaching for “unhealthy” comfort foods like alcohol, sugar, and junk carbs. I don’t believe in perfection. I don’t think these things are necessarily “bad.” But we all know that relying on junk food and mind-altering substances to feel at peace never works for long.
How to Smooth Your Feathers
As a health coach, I want to tell you that when it comes to taming stress and anxiety, nourishing and supporting your adrenals (“the shock absorbers of life”) is the ticket for feeling more calm and centered.
For years, I’ve sung the praises of keeping blood sugar as balanced as possible, which has a direct and profound impact on adrenal status and the stress response. It is, unequivocally, one of the single best ways to tame stress and feel more grounded.
To that end, I offer you my Balance Your Blood Sugar ebook for free. It’s not an opt-in; I don’t want your name and email. It’s just a click away and you can find it here.
In addition to reading, thinking critically, and educating yourself, I urge you to start doing this seriously simple stress-conquering breathing exercise (which is indeed mentioned in the above link about adrenal health). It’s some of the lowest hanging (and free!) fruit for taming stress.
I suggest you turn away from mainstream news and other media. Fight the fear by being productive and proactive: Get involved with Children’s Health Defense or the medical freedom organization in your state. My favorite is Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota.
Me, I’m channeling my worry into building bridges and alliances. In fact, I’m starting a new organization called Coaches for Health Freedom. I’ll share more about it as soon as I can.
The coronavirus, the lockdown, and the economic downturn have shredded our country. But great things never come from comfort zones. As William Shakespeare famously said, “Sweet are the uses of adversity.” I believe we can find our way out of this mess. Together. It’s time. To reconnect, rebuild, and move forward.
What stands out to me here is
What stands out to me here is the call to "think critically."
Because almost everyone is critical these days. Few are mindful in how they think, what they think about, and how they critique.
That's why I loved this part: “I’m not here to tell you how or what to think. What I do want to tell you is to think for yourself. To think critically. To say “no” to groupthink. To be ready to question—both your own assumptions and other people’s.”
Thank you for coming in the opposite spirit of what the mainstream media and pharma-bought alphabet agencies are about (to control, manipulate, deceive) and bringing these timely thinking points to help us course correct and get out of the carpool "group think" lane.
What a wonderfully written
What a wonderfully written article! It's so important that we think about these things critically for ourselves! Read scientific literature on both sides of the issue and take the brat steps for ourselves and our families during this difficult time.
Excellent work! Everyone
Excellent work! Everyone should be seeing by now that COVID-19 is not a serious threat to the population. If you keep your immune system strong, you likely won't ever need to be concerned with it. Those who don't understand this are either public health officials, governors, or people who get all their information from watching TV.
A vaccine is going to have detrimental results to those who take it. I pray for them because their fear of a virus and their trust in Pharma that wants to profit off their fears are really sad. God made us with immune systems. We don't need injected toxins to make us healthy. They never do.
This article is a service to
This article is a service to those who are willing to consider all angles. Thank you for the work you put into this!
This is a phenomenally done
This is a phenomenally done piece, thank you! There's no arguing with the directive to "think critically" especially when presented in a calm, clear, rational, and factual manner. I have already shared this with multiple friends and family members. Here's to hoping a wave of independent thought comes crashing down on the American, if not global, psyche.
Thank you so much for this
Thank you so much for this very informative article. You really hit on so many important points in such a helpful way. Your writing style on such a hot topic is beautiful.
In this current age of fear
In this current age of fear and hysteria, it's a releif to have some sensible - and sourced - information for me to consider. Ms. Grunewald has offered more than her educated opinion and personal experience - she's presented sources to scientific studies which help me to make MY OWN decisions about MY heath and wellbeing. Individual health choice doesn't just happen at my doctor's office - it takes place each time I decide which information I consume. Well done.
Great article! As a fellow
Great article! As a fellow Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, I am passionate about empowering others to have the courage and know-how to be their own health advocates. It is in that space that we are able to make the biggest difference on not only our health, but the health of our families as well. As you mentioned in your article -- the worst outcomes related to COVID19 were for those who had underlying health conditions -- specically obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. ALL of which are preventable and even potentially reversible. So as you say, "think critically!" Put your fear into gear and determine what is it we can do for our health and the health of our families to give us our best life, and the best outcome for the next pandemic (there will be another one)?
This is a great and
This is a great and thoughtful article! Thanks so much for sharing. It's nice to have a critical thinking voice amongst the hysteria.
You point to many ways to
You point to many ways to keep healthy, which is great. Thank you for writing this.
What I have not seen addressed by most writers are two things:
1. The virus mutates quickly. The more infections that occur, the more chances it has to get easier to deal with, or worse.
2. The persistence of symptoms in previously healthy people. Actually, they might never have needed to go into the hospital but they were covid-19 PCR positive.. And they don't have enough energy to return to their professional jobs 2 to 3 months after the start of the symptoms.
Maybe someone can help me with ideas for question 2. For instance, if someone still has odd smells or lack of taste, I would check zinc levels. And the list goes on into treating chronic fatigue patients. But... I still don't have an answer to question number 1.
There is a Facebook group for people who find themselves suffering chronic symptoms following covid-19 infection:
Very thoughtful, reserved and
Very thoughtful, reserved and written. People need to research what is going on, not rely on MSM and social media.. As predicted, by the left, opening up the states would cause a resurgence in the virus which now they are saying is happening. Have spent numerous days with a family member in the hospital over the last four years as saw ICU's, CICUS and CTUCU's full, no empty beds, as one is moved put another takes their place, hospital beyond their capacity daily and this prior to this "Pandemic". Don't believe the hype that this virus is straining hospitas past their limits, this is so common and I've seen on most of 90 plus days in last four years . Wake up people before it's too late.
We may cohabitate with other
We may cohabitate with other viruses and bacteria, but this one IS dangerous! Even if it doesn't kill most people, some are getting very sick, sick enough to be in the hospital for MONTHS. And it takes many more months to fully recover. I can't see HOW we can possibly get to the point of cohabitating with this particular virus without a vaccine.
Masks are not dangerous. Period. COVID-19 is primarily spread by droplets. Wearing a mask greatly reduces how many droplets you spray. When more people wear masks, the risk of transmission goes way down. It's an easy and noninvasive way to protect others.
Duane, yes, and most of these
Duane, yes, and most of these very ill folks had major, underlying health issues. And a vaccine won’t save us. I can promise you that.
I'm finding it difficult to
I'm finding it difficult to express how much this disappoints me. :(
The following is being reported by CBN (NOT CNN) today: Earlier this year, CBN News told you about Sonovia, an Israeli startup producing innovative, reusable anti-viral masks that don’t just block viruses and bacteria but kill them on contact.
Researchers at the Microspectum (Weipu Jishu) lab in Shanghai have finally tested Sonovia’s anti-viral material against the novel coronavirus and the results are in – Sonovia’s fabric neutralized more than 90% of the virus.
How does it work? The material used to create the company’s “SonoMasks” is coated with zinc oxide nanoparticles that kill viruses and bacteria.
Thank you for sharing this,
Thank you for sharing this, and for encouraging everyone to do the research and to think critically.
I do appreciate the perspective, but I'm having a hard time reconciling these the issue of inequality. As much as the statistics may be overblown, we seem to agree that people with underlying conditions are hardest hit by this virus (disproportionately communities of color). And, those of us who have the good fortune and resources to be in good health will likely be unaffected or only mildly affected. The current restrictions may feel like overkill for most of us, but how do you suggest that we keep these vulnerable communities safe, if not by social distancing, lockdowns, and wearing masks?
There is inarguably a need for equity and access to good health and healthcare for all, which we can all commit to work toward in the future. Could you share your thoughts on how we keep these vulnerable communities safe now, today?
I agree. This article says we
I agree. This article says we shouldn't fall for "groupthink" but what about thinking big and taking care of everyone, to save the lives of the most vulnerable? I really want to support your work, but I am having a hard time with this perspective you offer here.
The one thing you got right
The one thing you got right in your essay is that we don't know what is going to happen with this virus. The rest is complete conjecture and well-written guessing. Except for the part about masks hurting people. That is completely unfounded and hurtful to public health. If this is your thought process, it leaves me with zero confidence in anything you have done. I have unsubscribed and given away your books.
The part about the mask is
The part about the mask is that it may be harmful to some people, not all people. This is an article about critical thinking. If someone has chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, their oxygen level is lower their CO2 level is higher, this same person wouldhave an issue flying at high altitudes, a mask should not be a benign choice in the same way flying in an airplane is..
This is excellent. Thank you
This is excellent. Thank you for another informative and well-written article. Sadly, we live in an age where the mainstream media cannot be trusted and many "experts" are compromised. We must dig deep to find the truth and take control of our health. Thank you for pulling all of this together; so many of us don't realize the importance of thinking critically or won't make the time to do the necessary research.
Absolutely love this article
Absolutely love this article and agree with every word! I refused to fear from the get go; however, my son's immune system was damaged by vaccines he received in 2001. So we do worry for him - but we always have to worry. He has survived HUNDREDS of viruses and infections over the years. I had to learn to take each one as it came and treat it accordingly. Some required hospitalization. We learned A LOT along the way, especially about his need for adrenal support, which worked miracles for him. The level of fear I see in young moms both baffles and at times appalls me.
I learned a long time ago that it is no one else's fault that my son gets sick (well except the drug companies who make vaccines that do harm children). It has to do with HIS immune system, so the goal is to keep that as optimum as it can be. Viruses and bacteria are opportunistic. They are looking for people whose defense systems are weak.
if we are "trained" to hence forth react this way to every virus that comes along, we are doomed as a country. I hope and pray that more and more citizens begin to think for themselves. I stopped listening to mainstream news years ago. One only need to look at the commercials that PAY the salaries of those "reporters."
At one point I was in a line at a store and a very over weight woman gave me a look I assume for not wearing a mask. Her basket was FULL of chips and junk food and beer. Oh! The irony!
Oh, she was overweight? She
Oh, she was overweight? She certainly deserves the virus then! /s
Thank you for having the
Thank you for having the courage to stick your neck out.
Who said 'there is nothing to fear but fear iytself? - That.
Thank you so much for sharing
Thank you so much for sharing this. I wish more health experts would speak out as well. I hope people will keep an open mind and really think about this before passing judgement.
Thanks Jill! I have a friend
Thanks Jill! I have a friend (suffering from Type 1 diabetes since early childhood, heart problems and thyroid is non- functioning) and she keeps saying she "can't wait" for the vaccine already. I kind of skate over it but I have felt from the first moment I heard vaccine that I would not be one of those getting it. I attribute my AA to vaccines and the thought of getting any more scares me! There is not enough there to see long term side effects. Thanks for all you do!
Thank you for this insightful
Thank you for this insightful and well researched article. Masks absolutely do more harm than good and it's embarrasing that anyone is still falling for this scamdemic. It's clear the models were wrong from the start and it's become merely a political power grab to keep us shutdown - nothing to do with health - which is why fast food was open and health stores and gyms closed. It's why a candy store was open and church was closed.
I'm deeply concerned about mask mandates and don't want my children to grow up in a world of fear. We are meant to live with viruses and germs not hide in our houses. God didn't create us to live in fear, but to be brave.
I will not comply with any medical mandates - not masks, not vaccines. My body, my choice. After all, I don't mandate that you exercise for an hour day, eat organic food, sleep 8 hours and get sun.
Here is a wealth of scientific research on why masks don't work and aren't healthy-
The contempt for the elderly,
The contempt for the elderly, the sick and the overweight in these comments is terrible! You should be ashamed of yourselves!
Hi Jill,
Hi Jill,
Bravo to you and your courage to promote the truth on this contentious topic! As a retired holistic practitioner, I agree with your philosophical approach 100% as well as every one of your challenges to those holding sway over the recommended actions to publicly manage this new virus.
The approach to this viral pandemic has evolved from an intitially righteous concern for overwhelming our health care system (flatten the curve) into a politically-based power struggle (do what we say because 'science').
It's a sad commentary that so many 'science-illiterate' people are able to be herded like sheep by the continuous fear-mongering of media and public officials, based on increasing ratings and political agendas.
Valid contrary opinions are actively suppressed. There is apparently no room for debate (of any kind, on any subject) in this 'Brave New World" we are in.
If the truth eventually prevails in our society, it will look upon this time as a very dark one indeed. If it does not, may God have mercy on us.
Thank you for having the
Thank you for having the conviction and courage to write this article, Jill. My prayer is that God will use your words to open the eyes of those who have been decieved and are now living in fear of not only the virus, but life.
Great articulation. I have
Great articulation. I have been feeling this for awhile. "They" are having us experience this constant up and down which is nothing ore then a trauma based psychop to prepare us for the vaccine.....its total control, manipulation and against the contituin of the united states. Right on!
Jill, thank you for your
Jill, thank you for your thoughtful and well researched article. I agree with you and your points are all spot on. The terrain is everything and focusing on our overall health is always important. This is what social and mainstream media should be bringing to everyone’s attention right now instead fear, division, and anger…all designed to bring them profit. Additional stress in the US and rest of the world is certainly a recipe for disaster for our health and well-being, now and anytime. Too many different parties have swooped in to try to benefit from this and have done their best to create great drama that benefits their particular agenda. The truth is an elusive commodity for most people.
I appreciate that you offer the opinion that everyone should do their own research/critical thinking of these issues in order to come up with their own conclusions. “Question everything. Do the research for yourself. Don’t blindly trust or follow any news source, thought leader, or medical doctor. The person who does deserve your blind trust and unconditional love? You.” I hope those who have disagreed with you will remember those lines and follow them. We can all disagree on different points, but it is important to be open to discussion. Open, respectful discussion and an exchange of ideas is the way to move forward in our society and solve problems.
It’s hard to put yourself out there, knowing that many will disagree, even if they do not post. I’m glad you had the courage to do so and I hope others will follow. True leaders are very much needed in the health space right now. Thank you, again for your post and stepping forward.
Thank you for this incredible
Thank you for this incredible perspective! As always you bring so much value to the conversation, it is a relief and blessing to have your voice in the mix. I stumbled across this article on Instagram via an account I follow, and I felt proud to know and respect you as much as I do. Good work- as ever!
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