Last Two Weeks' Roundup

Here’s a buncha juicy stuff from the last couple of weeks. Hey Midwesterners, STAY COOL this weekend!

Your Doctor Has PTSD
Saving Animals From Factory Farms: Fake Meat’s Increasingly Real Future
50 Ways to Make the Most of Summer (It’s not over yet!)

“Always hold on to the truth. Don’t let others sway your heart. Don’t compromise yourself for the sake of temporal groovyness. Be separate from the crowd that’s awash with normality by standing on a firm foundation.” – John Fluevog (I got me a new pair of Fluevogs this week!)

“Don’t let the learning stop you from the healing.” – Heather Schobert Dube

“Perennial rushing is toxic to the body and mind. Find moments of silence and contemplation where you can just be. Create margins of sanity.” – Experience Life magazine

“You don’t need to wait for permission. You don’t need to wait until it seems realistic. You don’t need to wait for a mentor to show you how. You don’t need to wait until you can do something big.” – Kat Lee

“Today, while one would have thought that we would have exhausted all possible dietary choices, we are faced with even more dietary choices than ever. Do we eat low carb, raw food, paleo, vegetarian, meat, fermented foods, cooked or not cooked – to name a few. Perhaps most surprisingly, I don’t understand why we haven’t settled on the simplest, most logical diet of all: the diet centered on each season’s special harvest. It seems impossible to dispute that nature has fed us for millions of years so why not eat more of what nature provides when nature provides it?” – Dr. John Douillard

“The hour you give yourself for self-care pays you back three.” – I neglected to note who said this. :)

“These 10 American foods are banned in many countries, but why are we still eating them?

#1: Farm-Raised Salmon
#2: Genetically Engineered Papaya
#3: Ractopamine-Tainted Meat
#4: Drinks containing Flame Retardants
#5: Processed Foods Containing Artificial Colors and Dyes
#6: Arsenic-Laced Chicken
#7: Bread with Potassium Bromate
#8: Olestra/Olean
#9: Preservatives BHA and BHT
#10: Milk and Dairy Products Laced with rBGH”
Dr. Joseph Mercola

“I am surrounded by talented, caring coaches and nutritionists, all focused on helping people to lose weight, resolve health issues and generally feel better. It’s so inspiring to see so many people qualified to help heal.

“But, here’s where I get stuck – how many people REALLY want help? I see a lot of people who are attached to the foods that are making them and their families sick, people who are really heavy and don’t seem to care, people who have kids with personality challenges, but aren’t willing to remove chemicals and sugar from their diets. People who are exercising themselves into a frenzy, but aren’t really shedding the pounds, because they don’t understand how THEIR bodies metabolize.

“There’s the disconnect – lots of dynamic, qualified coaches and not enough people who care about making a change, who understand that life is more than “eatertainment,” or, know that it’s not that hard to change once you understand some basic principles and you get some support.

“It’s constantly on my mind. What’s it going to take? What are people so afraid of? Why don’t people want to make changes that result in an increase in confidence, energy, vitality, happiness – or just a baseline of average good health?

“I’m no paragon of virtue – I have my challenges (I don’t love exercise and I do love wine). But, I do have a baseline of good health and it makes all the difference in the world. I am empowered by it. And, I wish that for those I see who are still suffering at their own hands.” – my friend Kim Thompson


For parents:

CTFD: The Parenting Technique That Will Save Your Sanity
10 Ridiculous Parenting Terms Moms Should Make a Pact to Stop Using
Ways to Naturally Boost Your Kids’ Immunity Before They Go Back to School
5 Back-to-School Tips Every Parent Must Know

“Ever heard of the 80/20 rule? It’s a principle of balance – stating that we don’t necessarily need to sweat the small stuff if, overall, we are doing the right thing. In fact, eating natural 80% of the time, and cutting ourselves some slack the other 20%, can actually help us on our journey. It promotes a lifestyle change, and it says we don’t need to be perfect. And it frees us to live without obsession.” – Genevieve of Mama Natural 

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