Why I’m Against Mandating Vaccines

Please note that this article was published in January of 2020, many weeks prior to the onset of Covid and the ensuing and unconstitutional mandates.
The information below is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. It is opinion and for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice from your physician or other licensed healthcare professional.
The views expressed here may or may not be shared with my employees, former employees, co-authors, advisors, or affiliates. They are expressly my own.
This is a diversion from my “regularly scheduled programming”—I mostly focus on thyroid health/Hashimoto’s, alopecia, other autoimmunity, and adrenal health.
UPDATE: In May of 2021, I launched my new organization, Coaches for Health Freedom.
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This is a long post—the longest I’ve ever written, with an average reading time of about 80 minutes (not including links out to scientific and medical studies and other articles). Here is a PDF version, NOT an opt-in, just a click.
I invite you to read the full version of this article in its entirety. Don’t worry, I’m not selling anything and there are no affiliate links. I didn’t want to break this up into a sequence of posts because if you’re new to this blog or not on my newsletter and you want to hear the entirety of my research, it would require you to sign up for subsequent posts and this isn’t an attention-getting, list-building scheme. It’s an act of sacred activism.
I know this is a deeply polarizing topic. Clearly, it’s not in my best interest to do this—my reputation is on the line. As such, nasty/hateful comments on this blog won’t be published. I’m looking at you, paid pharma trolls.
Click here for a shorter version of this post >
But I’d really prefer you take the time to read this one. Again, here is the PDF version.
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This last November, hundreds gathered in Des Moines, Iowa to talk about our right to medical freedom and the health of future generations. I was one of those people.
Given some recent events, our nation is now facing a critical, unprecedented test.
Why? Because the pharmaceutical industry has been using false arguments to make the case for over-vaccination and some in our government are now trying to pass bills “under the cover of darkness” that mandate that we all—children and adults alike—comply.
I’ve been studying vaccine safety for over a decade, well before my child was born, and have bookmarked over 1200 articles and studies. I’m now speaking out because our current situation is setting the stage for a crackdown on our rights as free people.
June 2020 update/new post: 7 Reasons to Think Critically About COVID-19 >
These bills concern me greatly because highly reputable, peer-reviewed science—some of it very recent—has linked vaccine ingredients to cancer, neurological/brain inflammation, infertility, cognitive decline, food allergies, asthma, Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and fatty liver disease, to name just a few. Over-vaccination is also implicated with immune overload that can lead to autoimmune diseases, of which I’ve had three myself.
If this proposed legislation passes into law, which many politicians will be pushing for in 2020, it will have serious negative consequences for our children and our children’s children. And so on.
“Speaking out about this truth is a demonstration of love—a human act that receives nothing in return except a yearning hope that you may listen.” – Natalie Renee Steffen
I have evidence-based concerns about passing laws to mandate for-profit medical treatments and I, like so many others, don’t want to see a wave of mandates sneak through while the country is paying attention to other things.
Many parents, including me, know there are serious risks associated with our current vaccination schedule and do their homework. Some parents “prep for the shots” or perform a “detox” on their children afterwards (1, 2). (I’m not saying that I agree with these approaches.)
Some choose to space them out; some choose to forego shots they think are unnecessary.
1 : an authoritative command
In June of 2019, a draconian vaccine mandate law was thrust upon the good people of California (SB276 is making it nearly impossible for even the most vulnerable children to get a medical exemption) and New York (A2371 that has now removed religious exemptions to vaccines).
These swift, 11th hour bills went into effect unilaterally. Not only are they unconstitutional, they’re also exclusionary in nature and unfairly affect low-income families.
No matter what you believe about vaccines, do you truly think that un- and “under-vaccinated” children should be banned from public life and even private institutions?
For parents of previously vaccine-injured children who cannot homeschool, these laws force their children to receive more—much more—of the injections that injured them in the first place.
In my July conversation with NY attorney Mary Holland, president of the board of directors of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense, she said, “This is happening fast and furious. And the consequences could be catastrophic.”
If this weren’t enough, proposed bill SB A99 in NY suggests detainment of people who are “potentially dangerous to the public health.”
You read that right—detainment.
Photo: Susie Olson-Corgan >
The subject of vaccines couldn’t be timelier. More recently, in December of 2019, New Jersey attempted to pass S2173. Thousands came together in Trenton to oppose the bill that would, similarly to New York’s, remove religious exemptions. The bill was pulled, marking an emotional, hard-won victory. But it’s not over and this week is a big week. The NJ Senate is back in session on Jan. 9 and closes on Jan. 14.
What’s happening in Trenton right now should be front page news. Tragically, it’s not. As of this writing, the Senate isn’t back in session until later this week, but this is what’s going on. Show me a mainstream media outlet that’s covering this and I’ll donate to your favorite charity.
On December 18, a team of researchers at MIT announced new technology that would inject a child’s vaccine status via invisible ink at the same time the child is vaccinated. Two days later, Merck revealed that the FDA has approved its vaccine for Ebola. (Check out the contraindications and possible adverse reactions in the above Merck link. As Jennifer Margulis, PhD, says sarcastically, “But nothing as bad as Ebola! Shouldn’t we make this vaccine mandatory for school inclusion? Ebola, after all, is just one plane ride away.”)
This isn’t just an American issue; the ongoing measles outbreak in Samoa and the resolve by some European governments to fine parents who choose not to vaccinate have kept this issue front and center in international news as well.
This is Just the Start
“The rise of mandatory and forced vaccination legislation should send a chill up every single American spine. That government can force you to accept any kind of medicine and inject you against your will is totalitarianism at its worst. This egregious form of state power is metastasizing.” – Dr. Ron Paul
Make no mistake. What’s going on in CA, NY, and NJ is just the beginning and the goal is to trickle these mandates down to every state—quickly. And again, it’s not just happening in the U.S.—this is a worldwide phenomenon.
There’s more. A federal bill, HR 2527, is also afoot. This bill proposes a law to mandate all vaccines for all children regardless of the state they live in.
Wait, there’s more. First, it’s every newborn and child. And then they’re coming for adults—no matter how you feel about it.
Immunization Agenda 2030: A Global Strategy to Leave No One Behind (WHO) >
Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule 2019 >
The National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) implementation plan >
There are 270 additional vaccinations in the pipeline that you haven’t even heard about yet.
Please read that last sentence again.
I’m ringing the bell. Can you hear it?
We’re not seeing this in the mainstream media because 70% of their advertising revenue comes from the pharmaceutical industry. And because it’s not part of our national conversation, there’s some crucial information people are generally uninformed about.
If you haven’t dived into vaccine safety questions, you may not know that:
- There have been no safety studies on vaccines—they’ve never been double-blind placebo safety tested.
- Vaccine ingredients that include aluminum and other neuro-toxins and toxic metals, aborted fetal tissue, E.coli, foreign DNA, and live and mutated viruses, to name just a few (see longer list below), can cause serious short- and long-term health issues, including body burden-induced autoimmunity.
- Vaccine injury is much more prevalent than we’ve been conditioned to believe. It’s not “one in a million.” An estimated 5 million children, just in the U.S., have been damaged by our current vaccine schedule and it’s estimated that only 2% of these adverse events have been reported. And it’s adult injury cases that most often get compensated in vaccine court.
- In 1986, Congress passed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which freed vaccine manufacturers of all liability if you or your child are injured.
- As of December 1, 2019, the U.S. government has paid 4.2 billion in taxpayer money for vaccine injury and death compensation, which isn’t much considering how many people have been denied compensation.
- A vaccinated person carries the disease/virus they were vaccinated for (“shedding” the live virus) for up to 6 weeks. Yes, those who’ve been vaccinated can infect others.
I cover all of these concerns in this post.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of Children’s Health Defense, who I met at the Informed Choice Iowa conference in November, is an attorney and environmental activist and has dedicated the rest of his life to fighting for the health of our children.
Photo: Informed Choice Iowa >
He said, “I am not anti-vaxx. I just want safe vaccines. And I want robust science. And I want transparency in government. And I want independent regulators who are not owned by pharma. The reason they call you and me anti-vaxx is it’s a way of shutting us up so they don’t have to debate these very serious issues about vaccine safety. So they don’t have to debate the science. The vaccine misinformation is not coming from us, it’s coming from them.” (My emphasis.)
Go here for Kennedy’s recent, fiery speech >
I understand that RFK has been vilified, ostracized, and mocked. Aren’t most truth-tellers?
As they say, “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
“So many people will be eating so much crow. Any day now. Don’t believe me? Just watch.” – Jennifer Margulis, PhD
Kennedy and his team of lawyers and children’s health advocates have filed two suits against the state of NY (1, 2), demanding that the vaccine mandates be overturned. And in 2020, they will also be suing vaccine manufacturers for fraud.
Mary Holland stated, “The hallmark of ethical medicine is free and informed consent. That is the standard. And if you’re going to violate that standard, you better have extremely powerful reasons to do so. And I don’t believe that our current federally recommended schedule of 70 doses of 16 vaccines for all children under age 18 justifies aggregation of free and informed consent.” (My emphasis.)
“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.” – Nuremberg Code, 1947
Speaking of consent, in many states teenagers can make decisions about vaccines without parental consent. In fact, the American Medical Association has adopted a new policy position to push states to allow minors to say yes to vaccines without their parents’ approval.
Go here to see Mary Holland’s presentation at the 2019 V.I.E. (vaccine injury event) in Washington, D.C., where she says, “How a society treats its most vulnerable citizens, its children, is the measure of its true worth. And as a country, we do not measure up.”
Before you slap your forehead in repulsion and cry, “OMG, I can’t believe she’s writing this; she’s not even a doctor,” let me ask you…
“Have we been educated or indoctrinated?”
I’m going to keep going. If vaccine safety isn’t your concern, feel free to click away.
Vaccine safety issues you’ll find below:
- Informed Choice: A Global Phenomenon
- The Tyranny is Here
- What Are You Willing to Reconsider?
- Questionable Ethics, Biased Research
- We All Have the Same Goal: Healthy Children
- The Politics
- What’s This About No Liability?
- What’s This About No Safety Studies?
- Vaccines and Body Burden-Induced Autoimmunity
- Don’t Shed on Me
- Who’s Healthier?
- But What About…
- The Time is Now
- What You Can Do Today
- Resources for Learning More
- Who Am I and Why am I Willing to Risk So Much for This?
- The Song That Got Me Through This
Informed Choice: A Global Phenomenon
This is about informed choice. I don’t care for the term “informed consent” that’s often used—we shouldn’t consent (a place of disempowerment), we should choose (a place of empowerment).
Again, these mandates aren’t just happening in the U.S.—other countries are trying to impose them, if they haven’t already, and there are thoughtful and concerned activists all over, working to protect their own rights. Although things are more heated in some countries than others, this movement is a global issue.
The Tyranny is Here
This isn’t just about the childhood vaccine schedule, although it’s nothing short of staggering:
1962: A total of 5 vaccines were administered in a lifetime.
1983: A total of 24 doses were given by the age of 15.
2019: A total of 72 doses are given by the age of 18.
It’s not just about our precious babies and children, but that’s certainly where the biggest concerns lie.
This is about all of us. Every child. Every adult.
If you have a child who’s un- or “under-vaccinated” and you succumb to these mandates, the catch-up schedule is alarming and I’m going to be straight up here—could seriously harm them. The harm is happening—right now—in NY.
If you’re unconcerned that in the U.S., we’re already administering 49 doses of 14 vaccines before the age of 6 (the most aggressive vaxx schedule in the world—with more on the way), and that children in America have more chronic disease, learning disabilities, allergies, and autoimmunity than any time in our history (aka Generation Sick), then there’s probably not much more I can say that will help you see that there’s a huge problem.
“When you over-vaccinate, you shift people toward allergy and autoimmunity.” – Paul Thomas, MD
If you can watch this short but shocking video (where you’ll hear Dr. Thomas) and not get curious and concerned about what’s happening, once again, there’s probably not much more I can say.
What happens if you live in a state that doesn’t allow philosophical or conscientious (personal belief) exemptions or religious exemptions and you’ve been vaxx-injured?
What if your state only allows medical exemptions in the most extreme cases (i.e. your child needs to have had several severe reactions like anaphylactic shock or seizure to qualify for an exemption just to that one vaccine) and you’ve been vaxx-injured?
Doesn’t matter.
The goal with these mandates is to give you more shots—more than what injured you or your child in the first place. (I know parents of vaxx-injured children who are crippled with panic about this.)
“If you have a reaction to Zoloft, the doctor will take you off of Zoloft. If you have a vaccine reaction, the doctor will say it’s a coincidence and keep vaccinating you. That’s the difference.” – Unknown
This is all a game of Russian roulette.
“Despite so much opposition in the legislature, from citizens and medical personnel, [Governor Newsom] signed SB276, which puts all children, and especially families of medically fragile children, at risk. So if/when your baby has a severe reaction, and the doctor would want to write even a medical exemption for that child, the state can now take negative action against the doctor and say to you, ‘Too bad. We deny adverse reactions. Now line up for your 70+ other vaccines or we might take away your child.’ Is this the kind of coercion and tyranny we want?” – Jenny Collins, HolisticGPS
This is the future of Big Pharma.
This isn’t about vaccinating the 2% of children who are unvaccinated. That’s not worth much. It’s about 327 million Americans, of which 95% are currently pro-vaxx. (For the record, that makes 16.3 million questioning, just here in the U.S.—and the ranks are growing by the day.)
Image: Facebook >
Let’s do the math. It doesn’t take a medical or science background to see what’s going on. Whether you believe in vaccines or not, we’re in the midst of a full on pharmaceutical occupation.
I’m ringing the bell. Can you hear it?
I’d like for you to open your heart and mind to the fact that your government wants to do away with our right to choose whether we and our children get injected with:
- Aluminum (highly neurotoxic, causes long term brain inflammation/swelling, persists indefinitely (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))
- E. coli (you read that right)
- Cell lines grown from aborted fetal tissue: 1. WI-38 (a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts from lung tissue of a 3-months gestation Caucasian female fetus); 2. MRC-5 (Medical research council strain 5, a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of a 14-week old Caucasian male fetus)
- Foreign DNA (male and female DNA—the sex of the subject of the injections doesn’t matter (boys are getting female DNA and vice versa))
- Porcine DNA (circovirus type-1)
- Live and mutated viruses
- Antibiotics
- Formaldehyde/formalin (highly toxic, carcinogen, linked to ovarian failure and infertility)
- Heavy metals
- 2-phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)
- Potassium chloride (used in lethal injections)
- Sodium hydroxide (corrosive)
- Sodium phosphate (toxic to any organism)
- Polysorbate 80 & 20 (emulsifier, carries toxins into brain)
- beta-Propiolactone (carcinogen and corrosive chemical)
- Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (may damage liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system and cause reproductive issues and birth defects)
- Glutaraldehyde (disinfectant)
- Acetone (can cause kidney, liver, and nerve damage)
To name some ingredients. Yes, I just went there.
If you don’t believe that vaccines are chock full of harmful ingredients, read the above list again. You can view all of these on the CDC website.
I encourage you to investigate the MSDS (material safety data sheet) on these toxins and read the thousands of peer-reviewed studies evaluating the damaging effects these chemicals, especially when injected into the body.
Additionally concerning is that when an independent lab analyzed the contents of several vaccines, they found measurable amounts of glyphosate. Monsanto (now Bayer), the company that sells Roundup/glyphosate, was ordered to pay $2 billion in damages to those who used their products and got resultant cancer.
Go here for the CDC’s Vaccine Excipient Summary. Go here for the National Vaccine Information Center’s (NVIC) shortlist.
To eliminate at least some of these toxins, we need fully functioning kidneys—of which children don’t have until they’re nearly two years old. Please read this last sentence again.
And for those with certain gene mutations, it’s difficult—or impossible—to detox from these harmful ingredients.
The neurotoxins alone far exceed what the EPA considers “safe levels” and many of these toxins are stored in the body—so perhaps you’re “fine” today, but what about tomorrow? You simply cannot avoid damage when you introduce neurotoxins into a tiny human. Or an adult.
So the question becomes…will the damage be acute and immediate or chronic and delayed? We don’t get to choose. And we wonder why rates of autoimmunity and other neuro-diseases, like encephalitis, encephalopathy, and Alzheimer’s are increasing so sharply. Really, is this so hard to understand?
Image: Facebook >
“It’s not a rational thing to think that we can just give an ever-increasing number of vaccines without causing damage. There’s a tipping point for many people in terms of the toxins that they can handle.” – Kelly Sutton, MD
Public should be told that vaccines may have long term adverse effects >
Speaking of neuro-diseases, autism is a neuro-disease. (Yes, I just mentioned the A-word.) Because vaccines are known to cause “environmentally induced encephalitis and encephalopathy,” which, according to some experts, is the “real name” for autism.
Autism rates:
Before 1990: 1 in 10,000
2000: 1 in 150
2018: 1 in 59 (1 in 37 boys, 1 in 151 girls)
RFK said that many children today are experiencing “a fate worse than death.”
“The CDC’s strategy is to tell us, ‘[Autism] always been with us, we just didn’t notice it.’ It’s like missing a train wreck. If that is true, then where are all the people with autism in my generation? Where are the 65-year-old men walking around in the mall with football helmets on and diapers? Where are they? They’re not locked up some place. The answer is, they don’t exist.” – RFK Jr.
Do vaccines cause encephalitis and encephalopathy?
Decide for yourself: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (federal court case), 11 (federal court case), 12 (authored by Mary Holland), 13 (157 research papers), 14, 15
Aluminum, which is just one vaccine ingredient, is highly neurotoxic (again: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
The “safe limit” of aluminum is 25 mcg and the Hep B shot, given to newborns right out of the womb, contains 250 mcg of aluminum. By the age of 18 months, a baby could receive as much as 4925 mcg. Please read these last two sentences again.
“They’re using junk science, manipulation, and sick subjects as controls. They’re cooking the books and the statistical police have left the room. The evidence doesn’t support vaccines causing autism because the evidence either doesn’t exist in the first place or has been largely destroyed.” – James Neuenschwander, MD
“The non-randomized distribution of encephalitis [inflammation of the brain] cases within 6 weeks after vaccination is suggestive that some cases are triggered by vaccines.” (Source)
“The numbers of children with encephalopathy continue to rise. Special needs classrooms are overflowing. Our children are sicker with autoimmune disorders than they’ve ever been before. It’s completely unsustainable. Neurologically intact children will inherit a world with so much brain damage that it is unclear how our country will function.” – Paul Thomas, MD
We’re entering a very dangerous time. We’re modifying disease, altering our genetic code, and creating temporary, “fake” immunity to viruses that will mutate.
And when they do mutate, then what? When natural immunity is history and every human has been injected with toxic ingredients, make no mistake, our species will be forever changed.
What Are You Willing to Reconsider?
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privilege to others will be to constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic and have no place in republic. The constitution of this republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.” – Benjamin Rush, MD
Maybe you don’t believe in vaccine injuries? Or you believe they’re “rare?”
Perhaps you feel that all vaccines are safe and effective for all people all of the time. Or maybe you feel that even if they’re not safe or effective, it’s okay that some families (again, millions) have children who are permanently vaccine-damaged and that it’s a-okay that they’ve “taken one for the team.” (Aka, “At least it wasn’t my kid.”)
Whether you feel vaccines are good or bad isn’t the point. The point is we now have a government that—along with an already corrupt industry that’s been busted numerous times for fraud and deception—wants to mandate a for-profit medical procedure.
Please consider all of this. Whether you’re pro-vaccine, vaccine-questioning, vaccine-curious, conservative, liberal, or somewhere in between (yes, this is political), are you ready to be backed into a corner from which you cannot escape?
And yes, I said you, dear reader.
Image: Facebook >
What side of history do each of us want to be on? Because it’s simply a matter of time before these mandates come to your state (or country).
“Freedom is lost gradually from an uninterested, uninformed, and uninvolved people.” – Thomas Jefferson
Again, things are moving quickly. And if you’re receptive to opening your heart and mind to “the other side” and you choose to step into this fast-moving river, you can easily get caught up in a tidal wave of information—substantiated scientific studies from prestigious universities and peer-reviewed articles published in medical journals, many of which I provide in this post.
Also know that this topic is getting heavily censored (including Facebook posts, YouTube videos, books on Amazon, and Google searches (Google now has a pharmaceutical division)). Some of the links I’ve provided here may not be live long—don’t be surprised if you click and it says, “Sorry, the page you’re looking for can’t be found.” Save everything you read as a PDF onto your desktop.
“Americans, you should be prepared to witness history in the making. It’s happening right now. Sit tight California, you have a nation fighting back with you, and we won’t be silenced.” – Dani Lasher
But this revolution will not be televised, especially when corporate media, who is brainwashing us to look the other way, gets 70% of their advertising revenue from Big Pharma.
I’m ringing the bell. Can you hear it?
And there’s a reason people from all walks of life are vehemently against these mandates.
They’re speaking out—coming out from behind their screens and out of their homes and getting active: pro-vaxxers, anti-vaxxers, ex-vaxxers, vaxx-questioners, those who are vaxx-curious, people without children, parents (many, many with vaxx-injured children), grandparents, aunts, uncles, doctors, nurses, conservatives, and liberals.
Dangers of Vaccines in Spotlight at Times Square >
That’s right, even some who are fervently pro-vaxx believe that we all have a right to choose.
“Despite the media’s love of a ‘war,’ you actually can be pro-vaccine and against the current schedule.” – Jennifer Margulis, PhD
Once our right to choose what we inject into our and our children’s bodies gets stripped, it’s a slippery slope. If these mandates indeed get trickled down and we’re all essentially slaves of the state, do you realize that it’s just a matter of time before our other rights are removed?
“Dissent is crucial for the advancement of science. Disagreement is at the heart of peer review and is important for uncovering unjustified assumptions, flawed methodologies and problematic reasoning.” – I. de Melo-Martín and K. Intemann, Division of Medical Ethics, Department of Public Health, Joan & Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University
What are you willing to do about this? And are you willing to inform others, because the media isn’t going to.
One of my guardian angels and mentors on this recent journey is none other than the inimitable Jennifer Margulis, PhD, award-winning science journalist, and best-selling co-author of The Vaccine Friendly Plan (which has been said to save many marriages), and author of Your Baby, Your Way.
Margulis said, “The media is not reporting on this debate in an accurate or responsible way. Even folks inside newsrooms who do not vaccinate … are afraid to do honest reporting. I know this because I’m a member of the media and I’ve talked to them.”
How the FDA Manipulates the Media >
U.S. News & World Report article questions control and “legal and ethical limits of power” >
How the Media Lie about Why Parents Don’t Vaccinate >
Questionable Ethics, Biased Research
Did you know that the pharmaceutical industry spends 4 times more on advertising than research?
Vaccines are the geese that lay the golden eggs. They’re the most profitable product they have—and many of the folks within the industry are the most powerful lobbyists in Washington, even outspending the oil and gas lobby.
Vaccines are currently a $50 billion industry and by the year 2027, they’re projected to be a $66 billion industry.
“They manipulate trials, they change trials, they use the wrong controls, they use the wrong placebos. They publish some things, but don’t publish others. Because they’re not a science, they’re a business.” – Christopher Exley (aka Mr. Aluminum), chemist and professor of bioinorganic chemistry known for his research on the health effects of aluminum exposure
Do you still think these mandates are about “the greater good?” Follow the money.
This is also about accountability. Personal and parental accountability, yes, but it’s also about holding Big Pharma, CDC, FDA, HHS, and our states accountable for their dysfunctional and ethically problematic relationships that are often riddled with fraud and deception and that fly in the face of “medical best practices.”
For example, did you know that the CDC owns dozens of vaccine patents?
The CDC is being influenced by corporate and political interests >
The FDA buries evidence of fraud in medical trials >
Did you also know that Big Pharma is:
- Buying and bribing politicians
- Engaging in fraudulent marketing practices (lying to the public)
- Manipulating doctors
- Donating millions to the CDC foundation
- Engaging in PR smear tactics to destroy the careers of vaccine researchers and doctors who speak out
- Defrauding regulators
- Destroying and falsifying data?
Are you comfortable putting your trust in an institution that’s proven to lie and manipulate the public? Do you truly believe that your health and safety is at the core of everything this for-profit industry does?
All of the above claims are well documented:
Drug companies donated millions to California lawmakers before vaccine debate >
Drugmakers Funnel Millions To Lawmakers >
Hidden conflicts? Pharma payments to FDA advisers after drug approvals spark ethical concerns >
7 Shameful Examples of Big Pharma Fraud >
GlaxoSmithKline Agrees to Pay $3 Billion in Fraud Settlement >
Merck Created Hit List to “Destroy,” “Neutralize” or “Discredit” Dissenting Doctors >
Merck Has Some Explaining To Do Over Its MMR Vaccine Claims >
Glaxo Agrees to Pay $3 Billion in Fraud Settlement >
GlaxoSmithKline admits some staff in China involved in bribery >
CDC Scientists Expose Agency Corruption >
Syracuse University mumps outbreak: Whistleblowers say vaccine is flawed (faked data) >
Top 22 Big Pharma payouts > (And hey, no biggie. This pales in comparison to their billions in profits.)
…and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
“It’s not theoretical if it’s true.” – Unknown
The pharmaceutical industry is now the most poorly regarded industry in Americans’ eyes > (Sept. 2019)
“What is it—what kind of cognitive dissonance does it require … to say, ‘Yeah, they’re lying about every product that they have, except for just one. With vaccines, they’ve found Jesus.’” – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Speaking of lies and manipulation, this is also about holding Big Pharma accountable for vaccine damage, which is much more prevalent than they’ve led us to believe.
“One in a million?” I don’t think so. Try millions— some experts say that tens of millions have been harmed. An estimated 5 million children, just in the U.S., have been damaged by our current vaccine schedule.
“A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by a majority.” – Booker T. Washington
And it’s estimated that only 2% of vaccine injury has been reported, with only 1% reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System).
It’s not just children. Hundreds of thousands of adults have been vaccine-injured too. In fact, it’s adult cases that most often get compensated in vaccine court.
“The main reason we take so many drugs is that drug companies don’t sell drugs, they sell lies about drugs.” – Peter Gotzsche, MD
If you haven’t done a deep dive into this subject, you may not realize that consumers cannot sue vaccine makers for vaccine damage. That’s the “no liability” fiasco. More on this below.
Please, do the research for yourself.
My goodness, we research everything when it comes to our kids: cribs, car seats, baby food, skin care, toys, strollers, the list goes on. But we’re not willing to research what’s in vaccines? Or even take a passing glance?
It seems most people indiscriminately accept that they’re “safe,” but vaccine safety and efficacy research isn’t conducted by independent researchers and is thus biased.
“Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones.” – Bertrand Russell
Many indiscriminately believe that vaccines keep us “healthy.” But if vaccines were meant to make us healthier, then why are we—including our children—getting profoundly sicker?
“No batch of vaccine can be proved safe before it is given to children.” – Leonard Scheele, Surgeon General of the United States, 1955 AMA convention
I work with some of these sick kids vis-à-vis my alopecia (baldness/hair loss) practice. I’m a 14-year certified holistic health and nutrition coach and Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and have had three autoimmune conditions myself, including Celiac, Hashimoto’s, and alopecia (I used to be about 40% bald).
It’s rare that when a child (or adult) is suffering from alopecia it’s “just baldness”—there’s typically other symptomatology and in some cases, diagnosed cases of other forms of autoimmunity (MAS, or multiple autoimmune syndrome) and chronic illness like severe allergies and food sensitivities and asthma. Their parents are left wondering what went wrong—and in many cases, blaming and shaming themselves.
According to Jennifer Margulis, PhD, who has been researching and writing about children’s health for over 15 years: “Kids today are plagued with brain and immune damage—and chronic illness—in numbers we’ve never seen before. We live in an increasingly toxic-to-humans world, no matter how ‘clean’ we try to be and some children can’t detoxify as well as others. Toxic exposure usually won’t hurt you unless your ability to get rid of the toxins is compromised. Then biopersistent chemicals can wreak havoc on your brain and body.”
The current rate of brain damage is completely unsustainable. What kind of future will our children have if this continues?
So please, how can vaccines be “safe” when the side effects are often serious, deadly, and have shown to cause more health problems than the diseases they’re claiming to protect us from? This is true especially for kids (and adults) who cannot adequately detox from them.
Heck, even pediatric residency programs don’t adequately address vaccine safety.
“Most pediatric residency programs surveyed do not include formal training on vaccine safety,” according to this peer-reviewed report.
”MDs and pediatricians aren’t qualified to assess risk of vaccines. They are merely the end users of a complex ENGINEERING process, just as a pilot has no idea of assessing the risk of a 747. At least a pilot has the humility to know this. MDs don’t. Herein lies the problem.” – Shiva Ayyadurai, PhD
Please, read the vaccine inserts. Read the excipient list. You can go here to view the Vaccine Ingredients Calculator (aka VaxCalc), which is “a tool to help you discover ingredients in vaccines your doctor recommends; compute ingredient exposure for multiple vaccinations; protect against a preventable allergic reaction; compare vaccine brands to reduce exposure to toxins; and more.” (Source: Vaccine Choice Prayer Community)
Did you know that prior to a vaccine being administered to you or your child, the law requires medical professionals to:
- Provide a vaccine insert for review and discussion; and
- Inform you of all risks and side effects (which, by the way, have been well documented for 50+ years)?
Please raise your hand if you’ve had this kind of discussion with your doctor or a nurse prior to a vaccination.
Or did they use persuasive, hyperbolic, and bullying language to try and persuade you into believing that they’re “necessary” and “required” and that you’d be doing fellow mankind a favor by contributing to the concept of “herd immunity?” And yes, herd immunity is an ill-fated concept. (More on this below.)
Look, the parents of vaccine injured children, vaxx-questioners, and those fighting these mandates have nothing to gain financially in this battle. Not only that, but we’re often ridiculed, shunned, and called nasty names.
No one is paying the activists championing vaccine safety and medical freedom.
Yes, choice and freedom from medical tyranny are invaluable, and what we’re fighting for, and I’d take that over money any day. But know that there are many good people out there fighting these mandates who’ve been working around the clock, bankrupting themselves of sleep, sanity, and time with their families. I’ve talked with some of them.
And Big Pharma? They have billions on the line.
I’m ringing the bell. Can you hear it?
We All Have the Same Goal: Healthy Children
I wouldn’t be writing this if our current vaccine schedule was, in fact, keeping our kids healthy.
I’m in no way passing judgment on any family’s choice, historic or future. That’s not my place—we all do the best we can to make choices that are in the best interest of our children.
To quote the sassy, compassionate, and informed voice behind Hear This Well:
“Let me be crystal clear. I’m not attacking you for vaccinating your kids. I’m attacking the evil industry that lied to you about it. I’m not fighting YOU, I’m fighting FOR you.”
Image: Facebook >
As Jennifer Margulis said, “The most vocal parents—the ones you’ve seen dismissed as ‘crazy’ or ‘dangerous,’ are the ones whose children were harmed by something the doctor ordered: most likely too many vaccines, along with acetaminophen and antibiotics. They’re angry, yes. Their child has already been damaged. Now they’re fighting for yours.”
(There are serious concerns about acetaminophe (Tylenol) use in children—which is often used to quell the immediate side effects of vaccine administration (1, 2, 3, 4).)
Dr. Margulis continues:
“Humans like things to be black and white. We’re deeply uncomfortable with gray. But there’s a lot of gray in this debate. I know that makes you uncomfortable. Inconvenient truths are like that.
“There is no hierarchy with tragedy: a child who dies of a bad vaccine reaction deserves our sympathy as much as a child who dies of complications from an infectious disease.
“Are vaccines all good for all children at all times? No.
“Are vaccines all bad for all people at all times? No.
“Should vaccines be mandated for school inclusion or participation in public life? No.
“Are pharmaceutical companies thinking only about children’s health and not about profits? No.
“Are pharmaceutical companies all bad at all times? No.”
The Politics
Most, but certainly not all, of those who oppose the mandates are conservatives—those for limited government.
I have sharp criticism for both liberals and conservatives and I’m going to make a couple of generalizations…
Conservatives tend to be pro-life. I understand that. But for conservatives who are pro-mandate, they’re a-okay with forcing people to inject aborted fetal tissue? Okay, got it.
Liberals tend to chant, “My body my choice.” I understand that. But for liberals who are pro-mandate, it seems that same “choice” doesn’t apply to vaccines—you want bodily autonomy and choice around certain procedures, but not others? Okay, got it.
As for crunchy, “woke,” liberal mamas, most are label-reading sleuths and rightfully concerned about toxins in our food and water, GMOs, pesticides, hormones in meat and dairy, and toxic skincare, toys, bedding, and clothing. But some are unwilling to read a vaccine insert to see what toxic adjuvants their child is being injected with? Okay, got it.
Do you see how baffling this is?
My intention isn’t to criticize conservatives, liberals, or woke parents but to show you how the vaccine “logic” is often illogical.
“[Humans] cling to the hope that some day, if we really refine our worldview and beliefs, we can actually find the fully correct way to think—the absolute truth and final side to stand on. People and systems craving power take advantage of this desire and pit us against each other using a ‘this or that’ mentality. The point is to create unrest, disagreement, resentment, and anger—a population constantly at war with itself, each side deeply believing that the other is not just wrong, but also a sincere threat to their very way of life and survival. This creates constant anxiety and distraction—the perfect conditions for oppression. The goal of this sort of politics is to keep people held down and mesmerized by a persistent parade of seemingly life-or-death debates, each one worth all of our emotional energy and primal passion.
“So we must protect and respect each other, no matter how hard it feels. No matter how wrong someone else may seem to us, they are still human. No matter how bad someone may appear, they are truly no worse than us. Our beliefs and behavior don’t make us fundamentally better than others, no matter how satisfying it is to believe otherwise.” – Jennifer Margulis, PhD
What’s This About No Liability?
“If you inflict risk on others and they are harmed, you need to pay some price for it.” – Nassim Nicholas Taleb
In 1986, Congress, in an unprecedented move, passed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which freed vaccine manufacturers of all liability because the sheer number of lawsuits were going to bankrupt them.
They cannot be sued for injury. It’s true: Big Pharma has a forever get-out-of-jail-free card.
“No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine.” (Source)
The companies that manufacture vaccines aren’t incentivized to make vaccines safe because they hold no accountability regarding any damages that vaccines inflict on any child or adult.
I’m ringing the bell. Can you hear it?
If you or your child are vaccine-injured, you have to sue the federal government—and go up against the U.S. Department of Justice in “Vaccine Court.” (My friend, Wayne Rohde, wrote a book by the same name: The Vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program)
“If a company is going to bankrupt over lawsuits concerning a certain product, and the government steps in and gives that company 100% immunity from any and all liability for that product, and then that same government mandates that you must take that company’s product and sue yourself and your fellow taxpayers if something goes wrong…tell me, would you have concerns about giving 70 doses of that product to your child? And if you don’t question it, why is it wrong that others do?” – Unknown
The total amount of taxpayer money the U.S. government has paid in compensation for vaccine injury and death is, as of December 1, 2019…
$4,245,368,848.14 (Yes, BILLION)
(…which is a relatively low amount of money, considering how many have been injured and denied compensation.)
Are you outraged yet?
If a child or adult dies due to a vaccine injury, the maximum disbursement to the family is $250,000. The majority of vaccine injury cases are dismissed because physicians and vaccine manufacturers deny a causation link.
GM, Ford, and Chrysler have struck a deal with the government so that if anyone gets injured or killed in one of their cars due to a manufacturing defect…
We can NO LONGER take them to court!
And they are MANDATING that we drive only GM, Ford and Chrysler cars starting in 2020…
This is CRAZY!
Oh shoot…
Hold on…
My bad…
It wasn’t GM that struck a deal…
It was Merck, Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline…
And it wasn’t cars…
It was vaccines…
And it’s been happening since 1986.
- Unknown
According to Jenny Collins:
“In [a] press conference on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 MN lawmakers brought forward a common sense Resolution asking ‘the President and Congress to hold vaccine manufacturers liable for design defects that result in adverse side effects from vaccines.’
“Are Republicans correcting a 30+ year mistake here? While some may see this Resolution as only a Republican-supported topic, there were some smart DFL signers as well, who can see beyond the two colors of pro- or anti-vaccine.
“It seems appropriate for GOP lawmakers to take a lead on this Resolution. It was their party, after all, that allowed this 33-year mistake in the first place. It was Republican President Ronald Reagan who reluctantly signed the 1986 law, under heavy pressure from lobbyists.”
What’s This About No Safety Studies?
“If it worked and was safe, you wouldn’t need to mandate, force, deceive, or threaten those who question it.” – Unknown
Image: Facebook >
They keep beating the drum, “the vaccine science is settled.” Are you kidding me?
Chances are you’ve heard or read that phrase dozens of times. And anyone who’s willing to believe what they’re being told and regurgitate this chant without looking at the opposing, peer-reviewed, scientific literature that shows the opposite is unequivocally uninformed on this topic.
- Vaccines have never been double-blind placebo safety tested, so there’s no way we can know that they’re safe.
- There’s been no safety test done with multiple shots given simultaneously.
- There are no long-term safety studies. The “safety studies” for vaccines last for a mere few days, whereas studies for other drugs last for years, sometimes up to 10 years.
- If side effects or reactions develop after these few days (which is all too common), they aren’t implicated with the vaccines because they’re beyond the period of the (cough) “safety study” and they’re often labeled as pre-existing conditions.
Please, how is all of this not one grand experiment with our babies and children as the guinea pigs?
“A single vaccine given to a 6-pound newborn is the equivalent of giving a 180-pound adult 30 vaccinations on the same day.” – Boyd Haley, PhD
Here’s the unequivocal truth. If vaccines were entirely safe, we wouldn’t have:
- A vaccine injury table
- VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System): Data indicates that vaccine injury is severely under-reported. Filing a report with VAERS is the only way to officially record a vaccine injury. It’s tedious and doctors have no incentive to fill it out.
- NVICP (National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program)
Here is a good one-page visual of the outrageous increase in the vaccine schedule (and I apologize that I don’t know where I downloaded this document from), where you’ll also see the notation of the 2011 Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, where the U.S. Supreme Court states that “vaccines are unavoidably unsafe.”
“Vaccines are safe and effective,” they said. (Government website)
“Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe,” they said. (Government website)
I’m ringing the bell. Can you hear it?
“Consider the means by which [the media] demonizes people [who question vaccines] not by finding any fault in [their] values, but by lazily associating those values with a belief in ‘conspiracy theories.’” – Jeremy Hammond
If you’re outraged, you’re likely to be labeled stupid, dangerous, and hysterical.
Interestingly, when scientific researchers analyzed the language used by vaccine-hesitant people on Facebook, they found that the ‘anti’-vaccine comments were more scientifically based and carefully worded than the ‘pro’-vaccine comments.
“We have to separate the vaccination conversation from the problem with pharma and it’s very difficult to do. There are a lot of reasons to have a healthy mistrust and guarded approach to the pharmaceutical industry and the medical industry. At the same time, I urge us to not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Just because the manufacturer has malintentions doesn’t mean that the medium is 100% problematic.
“We need to use our voices. We’ve seen that our voice can make a difference. We can make change. But we have to do it in an intelligent way. And right now, parents who are concerned about vaccines are not being listened to as intelligent individuals. They’re being seen by the public health and medical model as really hysterical and reactive.” – Aviva Romm, MD
“The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) strongly opposes federal interference in medical decisions, including mandated vaccines. After being fully informed of the risks and benefits of a medical procedure, patients have the right to reject or accept that procedure. Governmental preemption of patients’ or parents’ decisions about accepting drugs or other medical interventions is a serious intrusion into individual liberty, autonomy, and parental decisions about child-rearing. Vaccines are necessarily risky, as recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court and by Congress.
“There are enormous conflicts of interest involving lucrative relationships with vaccine purveyors. Vaccines are neither 100% safe nor 100% effective. Nor are they the only available means to control the spread of disease.” (Source) (My emphasis.)
Do you know what else was once declared by the medical community to be safe?
- Asbestos
- Cigarettes
- Diethylstilbestrol
- Leaded gasoline
- Mercury fillings
- Thalidomide
Image: Facebook >
Though Thalidomide was never prescribed to pregnant women in the U.S., thanks to the careful oversight of the director of the FDA, it was a global catastrophe and the “thalidomide disaster” is one of the most nefarious chapters in pharmaceutical history.
I guess people who at one time questioned anything in the above list were also stupid and dangerous?
We aren’t mandating homeopathy here. I wouldn’t want mandates for that either, but if you’re someone who believes that vaccines are unquestionably safe and effective:
- No, they’re not unquestionably safe and effective
- The science is most certainly not settled
- Vaccination does not equal immunization—they aren’t 100% effective and unlike lifetime/natural immunity provided by experiencing the illness, any potential vaccine-induced immunity lasts only 2–10 years
- The concept of herd immunity is impossible to achieve (see bullet point above)
- Simply put, vaccines fail to meet the standards of evidence-based medicine
Where there is risk, there must be choice.
Government: Your child needs to eat this trail mix. It is very healthy. If they don’t eat it, we have the right to deny them basic government services.
Moms: Oh! Ok. What’s in it?
Government: You don’t need to know that. It is very healthy. It will make them healthy. The entire scientific community agrees.
Moms: (looks up nutritional facts label online) WHOA. There’s aluminum, formaldehyde, known carcinogens, and aborted fetal stem cells in that trail mix. How can that be safe?
Government: Don’t look at that. Trust us. It’s very safe. Trail mix makes your kids healthy AND as a result, the whole world healthy.
Moms: Oh! So there have been safety studies?
Government: ………
Moms: Like, studies that show that each ingredient is safe? That maybe compares children long term who have and have not eaten the trail mix? That have made sure that children with compromised immune systems or common genetic differences won’t have any short or long term issues as a result of eating this trail mix?
Government: ………
Moms: Ok, so if my kid DOES have a reaction to this trail mix, can I sue the manufacturer for liability?
Government: No. We have exempted them from all liability.
Moms: Wait…who IS the manufacturer of this trail mix?
Government: Just the top four snack manufacturers. They make all snacks.
Moms: Don’t those guys get sued all the time? Haven’t they been convicted of falsifying research? Bribing government officials? And now you have exempted them from all liability on this trail mix?!
Government: Yes. But this product is healthy and very safe.
Moms: But what if my kid DOES have a reaction? The nutritional label lists all sorts of horrible possible side effects.
Government: They won’t. Or if they do, we’ll try our best to convince you it was just a coincidence. If you’re REALLY persistent, we might award you some money.
Moms: How much money have you given so far to parents of children who had reactions?
Government: Eh…4 billion or so.
Moms: 4 BILLION?!? What percentage of reactions do you think are reported?
Government: About 1%, we figure.
Moms: Wait, wait, wait. So kids ARE having reactions, there have been NO unbiased, double blind placebo tested safety studies, the manufacturers have been exempted from all liability, those same manufacturers have been convicted of bribing officials and falsifying research, the ingredients (once I found them on my own since you wouldn’t provide me the nutritional label) are concerning, and you STILL WANT MY KID TO EAT THIS TRAIL MIX?
Government: Yes. It is very healthy.
– Unknown
The idea that the only diseases parents should fear are the so-called “vaccine preventable” ones is Big Pharma PR. It’s grossly deceptive—a marketing ruse created by a billion-dollar industry to sell you a product that the industry maintains no liability for if it injures you.
Finding ways to increase vaccine safety should be the highest priority >
Introduction to Vaccine Safety Science & Policy in the United States >
Exclusive interview with a former Merck Vaccine Supervisor, who says that vaccine science is “flawed and incomplete” > (Starts at 36 min. mark)
According to the Institute of Medicine, there aren’t enough studies and therefore there’s inadequate evidence to conclude whether vaccines have causal relationship to over 135 adverse events.
Although Congress has repeatedly requested an authentic “vaccinated vs. unvaccinated” study, the CDC refuses and they’ve determined when there isn’t evidence, we should “assume safety.” They hide data in the Vaccine Safety Data (VSD), which prevents anyone from doing large-scale investigations.
“There are many unknowns, and no certainties. But the physician must strive to do no harm, not even in the guise of serving the collective good.” – Jane M. Orient, MD
According to PIC (Physicians for Informed Consent):
“We need the media and everyone else to understand … public health is failing our children as chronic illness is at unprecedented levels, and we’re all rightly concerned about the total body burden on children today that is coming from corporate products sponsored by Public Health. Vaccines are different today than they were twenty years ago. Not only are the ingredients different, but also the vaccine schedule is more aggressive, which countless physicians and scientists agree puts an entire population of children needlessly at risk. If children’s health has worsened to epidemic levels concurrently with a vaccination schedule that has grown larger, why is Public Health proposing the only answer is more vaccines? The drug industry that makes vaccines has a talking point for everything. But that drug industry PR isn’t working anymore on the people, which is why more and more are opting out of the full vaccination schedule. Indeed, more and more people are learning that the epidemic in children’s health is not something that can be dismissed with more drug industry talking points and more industry-funded research.” (My emphasis.)
Many physicians have strong financial incentives to administer drugs, including vaccines, and even get “wellness bonuses” for vaccinating all their patients on the current CDC schedule. While parents often feel they’re being bullied, badgered, and even lied to, some doctors just think they are doing their jobs.
If you object, they may guilt you with the “herd immunity” concept, which posits that a certain percentage of the population needs vaccination in order to eradicate disease. There are several problems with this concept, which I address below.
Many doctors pushing vaccines are unaware of some of the risks—and have good intentions. So I’m certainly not saying that all are money-grubbing beasts with no conscience.
According to Jennifer Margulis, “More doctors than ever before are speaking out against our current vaccination schedule. Tens of thousands of American doctors are now questioning the necessity, efficacy, and safety of the current childhood vaccination schedule. Many are choosing to follow a less aggressive schedule with their own children. Some make the educated choice to forgo all vaccines.”
“After looking at the studies examining the efficacy and safety of … vaccines, I learned the evidence did not unequivocally support all recommended vaccines. Too many doctors [are] just blindly accepting the recommendations of major organizations without taking responsibility [themselves].” – Adrienne Carmack, MD
Medical Doctors Concerned We Are Giving America’s Children Too Many Vaccines Too Soon >
Margulis continues, “Many doctors avoid the V-word assiduously. They are scared to be ‘Ninja kicked out of the university,’ as one scientist told me. They know our current vaccine schedule is not promoting human health. But they stay quiet so they won’t get Wakefielded.”
Whatever the case, you should never be coerced into vaccinating, especially “for another’s benefit,” when those “benefits” haven’t been established. Aka…
“I’m not going to light my child on fire to keep yours warm.” – Unknown
Attorney and naturopath, Megan Redshaw, is someone I’ve followed for years—I can always count on her for straight-talking, no-BS, well-researched information with a healthy dose of humor and sarcasm. She’s taken more than her share of punches from people (and paid pharma trolls) who criticize her research, but my gosh, her comebacks serve up a one-two punch:
“Herd immunity does not exist with vaccines and here’s why: Herd immunity only applies to those diseases that are naturally derived that confer lifetime immunity.
“Vaccine manufacturers promise to introduce an antigen. They do not promise that the antigen will initiate an antibody response (e.g. MMR vaccine insert). Even if there is an antibody response, that doesn’t mean one will have immunity and if they do, immunity is temporary. The chickenpox vaccine gives immunity for ‘unknown duration’ but no more than 10 years, MMR is unknown, pertussis ‘protection’ is a joke, and Hep B is a maximum of seven.”
Image: Freedom Keepers >
(Some of you older Americans and those outside the U.S. may not know that the Hepatitis B vaccine is given to newborn babies. More on Hep B below.)
Megan continues, “So my child could get the simple childhood chickenpox as a child and have lifetime protection, or she could get vaccinated, get sick anyway (by chickenpox or one of the many other diseases associated with the vaccine), have only temporary (if any) immunity, and increase her chances by 50% of getting shingles as an adult?
“But wait, I should be happy that my infant is at least getting some protection from the mean hepatitis B that is transmitted via sex and dirty needles. I was really worried about that one. Good thing she’ll get another booster when she starts school to prevent that risky kindergarten behavior.
“So we have a bunch of vaccinated people out there who may or may not have developed antibodies and if they have, will have ‘worn off’ in a period of days, months, or years. How many people in their 30s and 40s do you know who have been vaccinated lately? Why do we not see these ‘vaccine preventable’ outbreaks in this age group? Why are the outbreaks occurring among the most heavily vaccinated population and in the vaccinated themselves?
“Don’t you think these are questions that need to be answered before we go ‘curtailing’ a person’s exemption rights?”
Megan continues, “You are the one as the parent who has to spend the rest of your life taking care of your child should they become vaccine-injured … not the nurse or physician pressuring you into making that decision, and certainly not the pharmaceutical company.”
The article, “Challenging What You’ve Heard about the Herd,” is one of the best I’ve seen on this topic and states, “Let’s take a look at several of the roadblocks that ought to make the concept of herd immunity questionable at best.”
Vaccines and Body Burden-Induced Autoimmunity
Primum non nocere (first, to do no harm)
What on earth is the synergistic effect of the many chemicals and toxins in vaccines? Let’s just throw our hands up with an, “I dunno.”
The increase in inflammatory disorders that are plaguing so many humans today, including children, can largely be associated with what’s called “vaccine-induced immune overload.”
Disorders like:
- Asthma
- Autoimmunity (including alopecia, rheumatoid arthritis, and Type 1 diabetes, to name just a few)
- Obesity
- Type 2 diabetes
- Metabolic syndrome
- Fatty liver disease
- And more…
…all of which create a revolving door (aka lifelong customers) for pharmaceutical companies.
“Some of the top 20 blockbuster drugs are associated with vaccine side effects.” – RFK Jr.
Again, I’ll ask: Will the injury be acute and immediate or chronic and delayed?
Yes, many children have acute and immediate responses to vaccines. But many others may have a delayed reaction that can result in lifelong disease and will likely never be linked to “vaccine-induced immune overload.”
A whopping 70–80% of our immune system resides in our digestive system and rest assured, many vaccine ingredients destroy the gut environment.
This is why most people with vaccine injuries have major gut issues like inflammatory bowel disease and intestinal permeability, which allow toxins to travel throughout the body, antagonizing the nervous system and preventing it from processing sensory information. If this weren’t concerning enough, some of these toxins also cross the blood-brain barrier.
Above, I said: We wonder why rates of autoimmunity and neurological disorders are increasing so sharply.
Really, is it that difficult to make a connection? Or, in the quiet of the night, are we actually making the connection, but we’re too afraid to utter what we believe to be the truth, for fear of humiliating ourselves when we question “authority” or ostracizing ourselves from friends, co-workers, and loved ones?
We have families with no genetic history of Type 1 diabetes, life-threatening food allergies, seizures, and severe gastrointestinal problems caring for children—often adult children—with these exact disorders.
Many experts feel that the stark rise in peanut allergies specifically is because peanut oil has been used in vaccines as an “emulsifying and stabilizing” adjuvant. Food was meant to be eaten, not injected.
“The literature is pretty supportive of the fact that vaccines have much greater adverse outcomes on the genotype of the body, the immune system of the body, the brain of the body, and the intracellular functions of the body than we are willing to tell the public about.” – Lawrence Palevsky, MD
And are parents who know what happened to their children quietly stewing in their own concoction of guilt and self-loathing for “harming” their children?
I know several who are—and it’s one of the most gut-wrenching aspects of this story because they did nothing wrong. They followed their doctors’ orders. But those feelings of guilt and shame run deep and wide and they don’t go away.
And we don’t have a pharmaceutical industry or government willing to step up and say, “Rest your weary heads. We’re sorry about what we’ve done. It’s not you, it’s us.”
“There has been an epidemic of inflammatory diseases that has paralleled the epidemic on iatrogenic immune stimulation with vaccines. The theory of vaccine induced immune overload explains the key observations that have confounded many competing hypothesis.” (Source)
Intramuscular plasmid DNA injection can accelerate autoimmune responses >
According to a team of Italian researchers: “The vaccination might display autoimmune side effects and potentially even trigger a full-blown autoimmune disease. The vaccination decreases the morbidity and mortality of the individuals, especially children.” (Source)
Real-Life Data Show that the CDC Vaccine Schedule is Causing Harm (from a pediatrician) >
The U.S. has the highest child mortality rate and the highest vaccination rate of all industrialized nations.
Nations that require more vaccine doses tend to have higher infant mortality rates >
I’m ringing the bell. Can you hear it?
Don’t Shed on Me
Many don’t realize that a vaccinated person can carry the disease they were vaccinated against (“shedding” the live virus) for up to 6 weeks.
That’s right, live virus vaccines shed and spread through bodily fluids, including via sneezing and coughing. And vaccine shedding can cause others to contract the disease, which is what happened during the measles outbreak in 2011 in New York.
A similar phenomenon of vaccine-associated measles was documented in British Columbia.
Vaccine-associated outbreaks are so common that researchers recommend using nucleic acid testing to differentiate wild from vaccine measles. But this is rarely done, making it impossible to know how many cases in any “outbreak” are actually vaccine induced.
This article explains how studies show that vaccinated children and adults spread disease.
In every medical facility where there are immunocompromised individuals, including hospital cancer floors, you’ll see signs that read something like, “If you’ve received any vaccines in the last 30 days, DO NOT ENTER.”
Why? Because those who’ve been recently vaccinated can and will shed on all they come into contact with, putting immune-compromised patients at risk for getting a vaccine-strain infection.
But wait, we’re being told over and over in the mainstream media that it’s magically the fault of the unvaccinated child when an outbreak occurs. Is this actually that the case? No, and we need to stop the blame game.
The risk of shedding is stated right in the vaccine insert.
Read more about shedding:
Mumps vaccine virus transmission >
Horizontal transmission of the Leningrad-3 live attenuated mumps vaccine virus >
Detection of measles virus RNA in urine specimens from vaccine recipients >
When you read the scientific literature and take a rational, non-propagandist look at the numbers, it becomes clear that the increase (slight, despite what the CDC, Big Pharma, and media would like us to believe) in cases of measles, mumps, and whooping cough cannot be blamed solely on the unvaccinated.
“According to CDC statistics over the past several decades, when we’ve had much lower MMR vaccine compliance rates, we were also seeing many fewer cases of measles. Clearly, this shows that we cannot blame healthy unvaccinated children for the recent measles outbreaks.” – Jennifer Margulis, PhD
When the viral genotype of an infected person is tested, it often shows “atypical measles,” meaning from the vaccine. “Asymptomatic whooping cough” means the vaccinated subject was infected but didn’t show symptoms and in turn, infected others.
It’s a case of vaccine failure. Not a failure to vaccinate.
Speaking of measles specifically, Jennifer Margulis said, “If it’s not obvious to you by now that mandating a for-profit medical product, shaming parents of healthy children who choose not to give their money to Big Pharma, and fomenting fear about what has always been a relatively mild childhood illness is a **bonanza** for big business, we’ve got some swampland to sell you in Florida.”
“So by this logic, an unvaccinated child who is not carrying a disease can somehow miraculously give this disease they don’t have to a child who is fully vaccinated against this disease, and when the vaccine fails, the blame is put on the unvaccinated child who does not have the disease. I see what you did there.” – Unknown
Who’s Healthier?
For many years, children’s health advocates have been asking the CDC to study the health outcomes of a statistically significant population of fully vaccinated children versus fully unvaccinated children. Until now, the government has refused to do a study like this, claiming that vaccines are “so beneficial” that it would be “unethical” to have a cohort of unvaccinated children, beginning from birth. At the same time, there are enough parents who are choosing to have their children go vaccine-free that this could be studied without ethical violations.
Independent researchers in the U.S. and in other countries (Africa, New Zealand, Germany, and Great Britain) have completed several studies and found that unvaccinated children have superior health.
Studies comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated populations >
“The evidence is overwhelming” >
The known benefits of vaccination currently outweigh the unproved risk of allergic disease >
Go here for RFK’s complete, 6-part series, “Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated,” that compares health outcomes between vaxxed and un-vaxxed children. Go here for a summary of the series.
I’ve read this paragraph (from RFK’s summary) several times and it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up each time:
“When the data showed a shocking 364% increase in autism among African American boys given the MMR on time, DeStefano [CDC official Frank DeStefano] ordered the four CDC scientists to destroy the damning information in large garbage cans. ‘I can’t believe we did what we did [forward to the 3:50 mark on this video to hear him say this aloud], but we did it,’ recalls Thompson [senior scientist and CDC whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson]. That sanitized study is now cited in 97 subsequent publications as the proof that vaccines don’t cause autism. ‘I have great shame now when I meet the parent of a child with autism because I have been part of the problem.’”
Let me unpack this: One of the highest ranking senior scientists at the CDC has admitted that the study he co-authored, that is cited over and over again as “proof” there is no connection between vaccines and autism, is fraudulent.
Megan Redshaw elaborates:
“The data has shown that unvaccinated children are healthier and have a lower incidence of chronic disease than vaccinated children. They require less medical care, prescription medications, and antibiotics, have lower incidences of ear infections, seizures, autism, neurodevelopment disorders, eczema, and ADHD, and have more robust immune systems.
“Modern medicine certainly has its place and nobody is arguing that, but you’re talking about treating a condition that already exists verses assaulting a perfectly good immune system with something that could compromise it. There’s a huge difference.
“Science must be allowed to evolve and be challenged … by anyone. If you believe otherwise, then you should go back to the days where Earth was believed to be flat, where Galileo was considered a heretic, and physicians thought it was pure quackery that they needed to wash their hands.”
She continues, “Dear parents, I urge you not to check your brains at the door because someone else did their research for you. I urge you to continue to educate yourself, inform others, stand for what you believe in, and make the decision that you feel is best for you and your family. I also urge you to avoid any medical practice, practitioner, or hospital that doesn’t value the opinions and beliefs you hold. We simply shouldn’t tolerate anything less.” (My emphasis.)
But What About…
I know what you may be thinking. “But what about polio?” Or, “What about the measles outbreaks?’” Or, “My doctor calls the HPV vaccine ‘the cancer
vaccine’ in front of my kids and they’re scared.”
Image: Facebook >
Each vaccine needs to be carefully evaluated, on a vaccine-by-vaccine basis. I don’t have the space here to refute every argument. If I were to attempt to, I’d be writing a book, not a blog post.
It’s easy to find information—what’s on the CDC website and PubMed, among other reputable sources, is right there at your fingertips, if you’re willing to look.
Below are links, many of which include even more links to more research.
But please. Do your own investigation. Take the time.
Ashley Everly, a toxicologist, has done an utterly staggering amount of vaccine research.
Browse her Vaccine Guide research here >
Print your own Vaccine Guide here >
The Vaccine File is a culmination of 6 years of collecting and sorting information. You’ll find legitimate sources, peer-reviewed studies, mainstream media articles, and much more. Much of it is directly from the CDC, FDA, and pharmaceutical manufacturers.
HPV (human papillomavirus)
The HPV vaccine (Gardasil or Cervarix) is one of the most harmful and debilitating vaccines out there. And it’s being shoved down the throats of young girls (and boys) and their parents. Many medical professionals are attempting to administer this vaccine without parental knowledge.
I’m ringing the bell. Can you hear it?
Image: Facebook >
The chances of a severe reaction to the HPV vaccine has been said to be 1000 times greater than getting the virus it’s said to protect from. Still, it was fast-tracked into the marketplace with no proof it prevented cancer. In fact, many young people end up with cancer within months of getting the vaccine.
The increasing controversy (and proven harm) around this one vaccine is said to possibly take down this whole mandate house of cards.
Gardasil alone reached over $3 billion in sales in 2018 > (and the patent doesn’t expire until 2028)
Contraindications and adverse reactions that occurred during clinical trials include:
- Blood and lymphatic system disorders: autoimmune hemolytic anemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, lymphadenopathy
- Gastrointestinal disorders: nausea, pancreatitis, vomiting
- General disorders and administration site conditions: asthenia, chills, death, fatigue, malaise
- Immune system disorders: autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions, bronchospasm, and urticaria
- Infections and infestations: cellulitis
- Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders: arthralgia, myalgia
- Nervous system disorders: acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, dizziness, Guillain-Barré syndrome, headache, motor neuron disease, paralysis, seizures, syncope (including syncope associated with tonic-clonic movements and other seizure-like activity) sometimes resulting in falling with injury, transverse myelitis
- Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders: pulmonary embolus
- Vascular disorders: deep venous thrombosis
Adolescent Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Following Human Papillomavirus Vaccination >
Oncology Dietitian Exposes Fraud in CDC’s HPV Vaccine Effectiveness Study >
Gardasil Vaccine on Trial: Attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Exposes Merck Corruption >
Court Hears Gardasil Science and Moves Forward >
Diane Harper, MD, the researcher responsible for the Phase II and III safety and effectiveness studies around the approval of the HPV vaccine claimed that the negative side effects of Gardasil outweigh the potential benefits and that the HPV vaccine was not properly tested, is fraudulently marketed, fails to work, and is dangerous. She said that the risk of cervical cancer in the U.S. is already extremely low and that the HPV vaccine is not likely to have an effect on U.S. cervical cancer rates.
Paradoxical effect of anti-HPV vaccine Gardasil on cervical cancer rate >
Hep-B (hepatitis B)
The Hep-B vaccine, given to newborns, had a safety review period of 4 days (GlaxoSmithKline) and 5 days (Merck).
No placebo. And due to the short safety review period, adverse reactions are dismissed.
Hep-B is a blood-borne virus and doesn’t spread in a community environment. Still, the idea that children would engage in high-risk behaviors like needle sharing or sex is ludicrous.
The fact that they give this vaccine to babies right out of the womb makes my blood curdle.
Do We Really Need Hepatitis B on the Second Day of Life? >
Jennifer Margulis states, “Thoughtful parents don’t knowingly give newborns the hepatitis B shot. This is a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease. Believe me. Even CDC insiders don’t give this vaccine. I know because I’ve spoken to them. You wouldn’t give this vaccine either. That doesn’t make you ‘anti-vaccine,’ that makes you smart.
“So many mainstream doctors agree that the newborn dose of the hepatitis B shot is misguided that they privately advise their patients to politely decline the vaccine. These same doctors choose to forgo the vaccine for their own infants, as any scientifically minded thinking person would also do.”
DTaP and Tdap: diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough)
The diphtheria vaccine is for personal protection only (therefore no “public safety”) and cannot prevent colonization and transmission.
Tetanus is not a communicable disease, so the vaccine offers no “public safety.” Plus, the vaccine takes a few weeks to provide any alleged benefit, so giving it to a child or adult who recently cut themselves isn’t going to be effective or beneficial.
The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is for personal protection only and cannot prevent colonization and transmission. Asymptomatic carriage is a risk everywhere and the vaccine prevents the subject from having a proper immune response, which makes them vulnerable to having lifelong pertussis. A shift in strain indicates that the vaccine doesn’t protect anyone from the common, circulating strain.
Newborns can catch pertussis from their vaccinated siblings.
We know, from the most reputable and mainstream vaccine scientists, that this vaccine has failed to protect against whooping cough.
We also know that the vaccine can cause brain damage. Listed in a handout given to every parent, the CDC explains that “Long-term seizures, coma, lowered consciousness, or permanent brain damage happen extremely rarely after DTaP vaccination.”
Source: The CDC admits that the DTaP vaccine can cause brain damage >
(They claim that it happens “extremely rarely,” but this is the same organization that says “vaccine injury is rare” across the board. Untrue.)
Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD, is a Harvard immunologist and author of Vaccine Illusion. She says “the science is never settled” and in An Open Letter to Legislators Currently Considering Vaccine Legislation, states:
“The acellular pertussis (aP) vaccine (the final element of the DTaP combined vaccine), now in use in the USA, replaced the whole cell pertussis vaccine in the late 1990s, which was followed by an unprecedented resurgence of whooping cough. An experiment with deliberate pertussis infection in primates revealed that the aP vaccine is not capable of preventing colonization and transmission of B. pertussis. The FDA has issued a warning regarding this crucial finding. Furthermore, the 2013 meeting of the Board of Scientific Counselors at the CDC revealed additional alarming data that pertussis variants (PRN-negative strains) currently circulating in the USA acquired a selective advantage to infect those who are up-to-date for their DTaP boosters, meaning that people who are up-to-date are more likely to be infected, and thus contagious, than people who are not vaccinated.”
Many people who follow the CDC schedule to a T choose to forgo the flu vaccine. There are many reasons why not getting a flu shot is a reasonable, scientific, and commonsense choice. The vaccine doesn’t protect against mucosal infection and studies show it doesn’t diminish transmission in close settings, like workplaces and households.
The CDC even claims that it’s only 9% effective!
The flu shot’s very low effectiveness; worsens subsequent years natural immunity >
“Folks, the ineffectiveness of the flu vaccine is nothing new—unfortunately, this is the norm. You see, the flu virus mutates every year and to expect the flu vaccine to match the circulating strains is ridiculous. And, the flu vaccine is not a benign medical intervention. There are side effects including serious neurological problems like Guillain-Barre syndrome. The flu vaccine is the most compensated vaccine for vaccine injuries from the U.S. Government.” – David Brownstein, MD (My emphasis.)
“Among numerous types of H. influenzae, the Hib vaccine covers only type b. Despite its sole intention to reduce symptomatic and asymptomatic (disease-less) Hib carriage, the introduction of the Hib vaccine has inadvertently shifted strain dominance towards other types of H. influenzae (types a through f). These types have been causing invasive disease of high severity and increasing incidence in adults in the era of Hib vaccination of children. The general population is more vulnerable to the invasive disease now than it was prior to the start of the Hib vaccination campaign. Discriminating against children who are not vaccinated for Hib does not make any scientific sense in the era of non-type b H. influenzae disease.” – Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
Brian Hooker, PhD, PE, Associate Professor of Biology at Simpson University in Redding, CA, is a specialist in microbiology and biotechnology. Hooker spoke directly with CDC whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, who released documents to him that showed a clear history of fraud and corruption within vaccine safety research at the CDC. Hooker has over 10,000 pages of documents, many of which he obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests. During his talk at the conference in Iowa, Hooker said, “The MMR vaccine doesn’t cause autism until it does” and that “within the CDC, a statistically significant relationship has indeed been established.” (My emphasis.)
Image: Facebook >
(He also told a riveted audience that he has hours of presentation related to CDC fraud.)
Mumps outbreaks are occurring in fully vaccinated high school and college student and military populations because of primary and secondary failure. Merck is on trial for faking efficacy data.
Primary failure of the measles vaccine is 2–10%, secondary 10% or more, and by 20 years, around 33% of the fully vaccinated are projected to be vulnerable to clinical measles. A third dose has shown to not increase protection.
In 1984, a computer model indicated that by the year 2050, based on primary failure, there would be more vaccinated yet measles-vulnerable people than there were prior to the initiation of the vaccine.
The only reason it appears that the vaccine works is because when it was introduced, nearly every American over the age of 15 had lifetime natural immunity. Now, far fewer adults have lifetime immunity (because of being vaccinated), so vaccine failure is now visible.
Merck Has Some Explaining To Do Over Its MMR Vaccine Claims >
U.S Navy Acknowledges: MMR Vaccine Caused Viral Mumps Outbreak >
Epidemic of Mumps among Vaccinated Persons, the Netherlands, 2009–2012 >
Outbreak of Measles Among Persons With Prior Evidence of Immunity, New York City, 2011 >
The CDC admits that the MMR vaccine can cause brain damage >
Did you know that 95% of people who get infected with polio are asymptomatic? Of the remaining 5%, about 3–4% have only minor symptoms like stomach distress and a smaller percent have serious reactions.
According to the World Health Organization, worldwide, the oral polio vaccine causes polio.
The inactivated vaccine is for personal protection and doesn’t prevent infection or transmission in fecal matter.
”IPV (inactivated poliovirus vaccine) cannot prevent transmission of poliovirus. Wild poliovirus has been non-existent in the USA for at least two decades. Even if wild poliovirus were to be re-imported by travel, vaccinating for polio with IPV cannot affect the safety of public spaces. Please note that wild poliovirus eradication is attributed to the use of a different vaccine, OPV or oral poliovirus vaccine. Despite being capable of preventing wild poliovirus transmission, use of OPV was phased out long ago in the USA and replaced with IPV due to safety concerns.” – Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD
Mutant Strains Of Polio Vaccine Now Cause More Paralysis Than Wild Polio >
Polio outbreaks in Africa caused by mutation of strain in vaccine >
Smoke, Mirrors and the “Disappearance” of Polio >
The Time is Now
“Where America goes from here is anybody’s guess. The days of waiting for someone else to educate your representatives, senators, and congressmen and women for you are over. In the face of our current legislative onslaught, staying silent and hoping the activism and advocacy of others will be enough to change things does little.” – Jefferey Jaxen
Many are unaware of what I’ve outlined here—and that’s exactly how Big Pharma would like it. They would prefer that we go about the everyday business of our lives and either be oblivious to what’s going on or uninterested.
Then, of course, there are those who are pro-mandate and who indeed want this trickled down as quickly as possible.
But many are clueless about what’s slated to come. Maybe they don’t care. Perhaps they’re willing to roll up their sleeves—and their children’s sleeves—and take it, with no prep and no detox protocol in place (1, 2).
If you’re concerned about any of this, the time is now. Get involved. Stand up. Your silence will not protect you.
“You can stick your fingers in your ears and ignore it or you can be brave, speak up, and take action. Right now. Today.” – Paul Thomas, MD
With lawsuits filed and more on the horizon and more and more people awakening to the deception, corruption, and malfeasance going on, you better believe that Big Pharma is working overtime to influence more legislators and pushing harder to trickle these mandates down. They’re freaking out too. It’s a race to the finish line.
What You Can Do Today
“First they came for the socialist, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionist, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.” – Martin Niemöller
Are you now a concerned parent or disturbed citizen?
Get active. Share this post, if you feel inclined. Share any of the links I’ve provided here. Share them with your doctor, your legislator, your friend, your neighbor.
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” – Albert Einstein
Americans Can Handle an Open Discussion on Vaccines > (RFK Jr.)
“If you ever wondered what you would’ve done during the holocaust or the Civil Rights Movement, you’re doing it right now.” – The Thinking Moms’ Revolution
At the end of one of my long video conversations with Jennifer Margulis, I said, “I have one more question for you. Are we going to win this?”
She smiled and said, “Definitely. We have science, history, and our children’s health on our side.” Later, she sent me this.
If you’re ready to act, there are many ways to get involved.
1. Donate to RFK’s Children’s Health Defense >
Help his team win these lawsuits against the State of NY—and help keep these mandates from being bulldozed through in any other states.
CHD lawsuits for fraud will begin in 2020. In Iowa, RFK had some good news: “Attorneys who wouldn’t touch this are now touching it.”
“I’m telling you, do not despair. We are going to win this battle. We have plans and we have a strategy. We are going to sue them in the State courts. We are going to sue them in the Federal courts. We are going to sue them in the Appellate courts and if we need to, we will sue them in the Supreme Court. We are going to stand shoulder-to-shoulder; we are going to bring them down and I will see you at the barricades.” – RFK Jr.
Kennedy says we’re living a science fiction nightmare, children being turned into permanent pharmaceutical industry consumers > (from the Iowa conference)
And by the way, CHD is dedicated to setting up state chapters—working at both the grassroots and national level. Stay tuned via the CHD website/newsletter.
2. Write a letter to your legislator. Put a stamp on it and mail it. Then call their office and set up an in-person meeting to follow up.
Go to this page for Jennifer’s talking points on writing your legislators—read the whole post if you want, but you can scroll to the heading, “How to Write Your Legislators.” Jennifer knows what she’s talking about—she’s been at this for years and has helped to change thoughtful minds.
For in-person meetings, dress like you’re going to a job interview. Be professional. Don’t ramble—keep it succinct and to the point. If you’re going to provide any type of printed information, don’t share anything more than 500 words. Anything longer will likely end up in the recycle bin. These printouts from Physicians for Informed Consent can help.
Find your legislators by zip code here >
3. Then, sign this petition, which states:
HR 2527 is a federal level bill that was introduced on 5-3-19 and has 17 co-signers. The purpose of this bill is to federally mandate all children be vaccinated to attend public and private education and is a violation of our religious rights, and bodily sovereignty. Specific vaccines have live virus shedding capabilities and therefore contribute to vaccine strain outbreaks, yet these individuals are allowed to utilize public or private education, unlike their unvaccinated counterparts. This bill is discriminatory and segregates people based on religious convictions.
Then, sign this one, which states:
The role of parents in protecting their children is eroding—at great cost to children themselves—throughout the U.S. It’s time to protect children by empowering parents.
4. Join or support a medical freedom coalition in your state and make sure to get their action alerts. For example, if you’re in Oregon, join Oregonians for Medical Freedom. In Washington State, join Informed Choice Washington. In Massachusetts, there’s Health Choice Massachusetts. In Minnesota, there’s Vaccine Safety Council of MN. Some states have several nonprofits dedicated to school inclusion and religious tolerance. Find the one whose mission resonates the most with you.
5. Go to a conference, like the one I attended in Iowa. There are healthy immunity, vaccine choice, and informed consent conferences being held all over the country. Scholarships are available for folks who can’t afford tickets. You’ll make real-life connections, learn about the cutting-edge science, and broaden your knowledge, not just about vaccine safety but also about lifelong good health.
6. Switch from Google to DuckDuckGo. Access to alternative health information is being actively and heavily censored on Google (as well as on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media outlets). If you have privacy concerns, switch to a better search engine. Look for new social media outlets, like Sphir, which are committed to freedom of speech.
7. Have the conversation. Talk to your friends, your family, your health care practitioners. We all want healthy children. Let’s figure out together how to achieve that goal.
Resources for Learning More
The lists below are not exhaustive. As you dig in and find your own way with all of this, you’ll find the resources below useful and you’ll likely find many more:
Informed Consent Action Network
Physicians for Informed Consent
Vaccine Choice Prayer Community
National Vaccine Information Center
Vaxxed (Vaxxed II was recently released and will be out on DVD soon)
The Greater Good (banned from YouTube)
Vaccine Revealed (enter your name and email to view)
Sacrificial Virgins (HPV vaccine scandal)
Manufactured Crisis: HPV, Hype & Horror
Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines
Myth and Reality of the Vaccination Campaigns
Books: (remember, these are NOT affiliate links)
Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers, Neil Z. Miller
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History, Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, Paul Thomas, MD, and my friend, Jennifer Margulis, PhD
Your Baby, Your Way: Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parenting Decisions for a Happier, Healthier Family, Jennifer Margulis, PhD
The HPV Vaccine On Trial: Seeking Justice For A Generation Betrayed, Mary Holland, J.D., Kim Mack Rosenberg, J.D.
Anti/Vax: Reframing the Vaccination Controversy, Bernice L. Hausman
A Compromised Generation: The Epidemic of Chronic Illness in America’s Children, my friend, Beth Lambert
How to Raise a Healthy Child In Spite of Your Doctor, Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD
Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness, Thomas Cowan, MD
The Virus and the Vaccine: Contaminated Vaccine, Deadly Cancers, and Government Neglect, Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher
Vaccines: A Reappraisal, Richard Moskowitz, MD
Vaccine Illusion, Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD
Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children, Louise Kuo Habakus, M.A., Mary Holland, J.D., Kim Mack Rosenberg, J.D.
Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC, Kevin Barry
How to End The Autism Epidemic, J.B. Handley
Plague, Kent Heckenlively, Judy Mikovits, PhD
The Vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, my friend, Wayne Rohde
Who Am I and Why am I Willing to Risk So Much for This?
“May you recognize with increasing vividness that you know what you know. May you be less and less inclined to self-doubt, meekness, and hesitation. May you be willing to be unlikeable, but in the process utterly loved. May you be impervious to the wrongful projections of others, and may you deliver your ‘no’ with precision and grace. May you see with the consummate clarity of nature moving through you that your voice is not only necessary, but desperately needed to sing us out of this muddle. May you feel shored up, supported, and reassured as you venture into the world with your precious offerings and bold choices. May you know for certain that even as you stand by yourself, you are not alone.” – Belonging, by Toko-pa Turner
I’ve been deeply disturbed about not only the push to mandate any medical procedure, also about the onslaught of articles in the mainstream press vilifying and mocking parents who choose a slower vaccine schedule, and about the misinformation that’s been circulating about the “dire risks” of not vaccinating.
In June, when things “went down” in CA and NY and I was navigating my way through the facts, my feelings, and what I was going to do, my friend, Dr. Deanna Minich, posted something (completely unrelated to this topic) about Sister Joan Chittister, a “rabble-rousing force of nature for social justice.”
The title of Sister Joan’s new book is a phrase I’ve been hearing left and right this summer, The Time is Now.
In her interview with Oprah, Sister Joan said that we have 3 choices:
- Not my problem. Let them figure it out. I don’t get into this stuff.
- Roll over and succumb. This is just how it is now. It’ll all be all right.
- Moral and spiritual humanity. Study it. Develop it. Join a group. Support something. Get engaged.
I’m a spiritual being in a material world (as we all are) and I’m committed to this spiritual crusade.
“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot.” – D.H. Lawrence
As Lissa Rankin, MD, recently said (completely unrelated to this topic), “I don’t feel called to do the spiritual bypass thing and just focus on the positive. I feel like I need to hold my gratitude in paradox with my horror. It is the depth of my care and my feelings that fuels my sacred activism.”
Writing this has required me to spend months connecting with and getting guidance from medical experts, attorneys, my soul sisters in this movement (fist bump to you all), journalists, other parents, and some of the most prominent and experienced activists in the country, many of whom have been doggedly working at the legislative level for years.
And clearly, I’m not voicing my mandate opposition under a pseudonym, as some understandably do. I’ve spoken with several friends and colleagues who are absolutely terrified at what’s happening but who are too scared to speak out. That’s what Big Pharma and their bedfellows do—they intimidate. And indeed, this topic has ripped families apart and destroyed years-long friendships.
“It is the most brutal area for discussion that I have ever seen, and a reputation shredder. If you even dare to hint that there may just be the slightest issue with any vaccine, people come down upon you like a ton of bricks.” – Dr. Malcolm Kendrick
Here I am. It’s me. My name is Jill Grunewald.
First and foremost, I’m a mother.
I’m also a health educator. And a concerned citizen.
I understand what I’m doing—my eyes are wide open. I’m aware of the fact that I may lose friends and credibility with my readers.
Let the chips fall where they may.
I understand that I may lose many potential clients and if someone chooses to turn away based on me standing in my truth, so be it.
I use the same determination, independence, fierceness, common sense, and critical thinking skills with all of my work—I’ve finely tuned my craft over the last 14 years. And if I were to stay quiet on this, I’d be doing the exact same thing that I’m accusing the powers that be of doing—putting profit over principle.
Can anyone say… hypocrite?
I’m a thyroid health educator and the thyroid sits in the 5th/throat chakra, which is all about truth-telling, full self-expression, and standing up for what you believe in. If I were to choose to not publish this, it would fly in the face of everything I’ve stood for.
Can anyone say… hypocrite?
I know I’ll gain the respect of those who’ve been listening to that still small voice, who’ve been questioning, and who perhaps need a voice and a reason to rise up.
The new friends I’ve gained since this summer are my new soul sisters and confidantes and while I would hate for the topic of vaccines to sever any of my existing relationships, as my friend Jenny Collins said, “It can feel hard to experience that loss in the moment, but I’ve also been blessed to have gained so many more by moving in the direction of my values and passion. God’s divine math works out in the end.”
“Whenever God means to make a man great, he always breaks him in pieces first.” – Charles Spurgeon
I’m on a sacred mission and Jennifer Margulis, who I’ve quoted several times in this article, is one of the many angels who’s had my back. She swooped into my life at a time when I was crippled and rumbling, but preparing to roar.
“It’s impossible to lose your footing when you’re on your knees.” – Fulton Sheen
She said, “For every one person who speaks up, 50 more feel empowered. So I’m thinking of you as 50 people.”
I hope to empower many more than 50 people. Rise up.
Again, do not ask me about my child’s vaxx status—and do not make assumptions about it. Their medical status is no one’s business. Leave them out of this.
As explained above (see “The Politics,”) this debate has a relatively crisp party line, which has scrambled my brain and has also left me tossing and turning at night, although again, there are freedom fighters on both sides.
Do not ask me about my political proclivity—and do not make assumptions about it. My politics are my business.
Some may feel that because I don’t have a medical degree or epidemiological or medical research background that I’m like, totally stupid and incapable of understanding what I’ve read and therefore have no business speaking out. But I do have a brain and understanding what’s happening isn’t rocket science.
Dr. Greg Plotnikoff gave me one of the best compliments of my career when he said (completely unrelated to this topic), “Your inner scientist has been your greatest gift.” I’m the best-selling author of a thyroid health book that’s been lauded by many in the medical community as being extremely well-researched and well-cited. I’m no dummy and when you understand how to learn, the sky’s the limit.
And as RFK said, “Trust your instincts. We are here on this earth now, not because of doctors, not because of public health; because of maternal instinct. We wouldn’t be here without it. So when you hear that voice inside, then you listen to that voice…you listen to that voice.”
If you’ve read this far, I’m grateful. Thank you.
Once you’ve had time to digest this information—and do some of your own research—you may want to consider taking this quiz. While this article may not have covered every topic in each of these questions, it’s a good exercise and each answer is backed by undisputed sources, statistics, and science.
Now take the baton. Go forth. And again…
“If you ever wondered what you would’ve done during the holocaust or the Civil Rights Movement, you’re doing it right now.” – The Thinking Moms’ Revolution
The Song That Got Me Through This
Brandi Carlile is one of my all-time favorite musicians, like, ever. (Know that I have no idea what Brandi’s status is on this topic and she is in NO way associated with this post). But her song, “Raise Hell” has buoyed me beyond measure these last few months, during the research for and writing of this post.
I’m gonna raise, raise hell
There’s a story no one’s telling
You gotta raise, raise hellGo on and ring that bell
Go on and ring that bell
Go on and ring that bell
For best listening, download the song, turn it up, and drown yourself in the pounding, soul-stirring drumbeat.
This post is dedicated to my child. I will protect you with everything I have.
While I connected with many advocates and supporters over the last few months, a special thank you goes out to Elizabeth Bangert, Lisa Bowman, Trina Cameron, Jenny Collins, Sarah Copeland, Susie Olson-Corgan, Joy Fritz, Eileen I., Miste Gardner Karlfeldt, Jennifer Margulis, Anna M., April M., AnnMarie Michaels, Karen O., Erika S., Elizabeth S., Kim Thompson, and Emmy Vadnais. I love you all.
Thank you for speaking out
Thank you for speaking out and educating readers. Where there is a risk, there must be a choice.
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your beyond thorough and comprehensive post which encompasses everything I’ve been reluctantly delving into for the past 2 years. Saving this to my files and will share on FB soon.
Thank you, Nicole. Everyone
Thank you, Nicole. Everyone needs to share far and wide. Or share another applicable article. This isn’t about me. Or about being pro-vaxx vs. anti-vaxx. This is about our rights being stripped away. #riseuppeople
Thank you for speaking out
Thank you for speaking out about such a controversial topic! Our rights as parents are being removed and we need to raise awareness so that this does not continue!
Yes, everyone needs to raise
Yes, everyone needs to raise awareness. This isn’t a time to be quiet. As Dr. Thomas said (quoted above), “You can stick your fingers in your ears and ignore it or you can be brave, speak up, and take action. Right now. Today.” – Paul Thomas, MD
Also, the White House
Also, the White House petition has been closed to signatures:
Closed Petition
This petition has been archived because it did not meet the signature requirements. It can no longer be signed.
“Safe vaccines” assumes there
“Safe vaccines” assumes there’s some kind of real science behind vaccines in the first place.
Let's think about that for a second...
The same criminal vaccine manufacturer's that produce vaccines that injure and kill are, all of sudden, supposed to start producing 'safe vaccines' when they could have been doing so all along?
I know. You can be “pro”
I know. You can be “pro” something that doesn’t exist and likely never will.
I agree. Given the current
I agree. Given the current excipients and the lack of proper research on, them there is no such thing as a safe vaccine. Knowing what I now know I would work with homeo prophylaxis, and nutrients… especially vitamins D, A, B6, zinc and vitamin C. Vitamin C by injection and intravenously destroys viruses, so for anyone who developed a severe infection, that can be lifesaving. Google search my ActivistPost.com article entitled, inexpensive treatment recovers dying hospital patients.
Laraine Abbey-Katzev
Wow! You have really find
Wow! You have really find your homework. Thank you for being so brave.
This has been one of the most
This has been one of the most, if not THE most informative article I've read about this topic. As an RN who has woken up and done my own research, but not quite brave enough to share my concerns, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This might just be the little nudge I need myself to "go public." We cannot stay silent any longer. God bless you.
Wow, thank you, Amanda!
Wow, thank you, Amanda!
Thank you from the bottom of
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this eye-opening, impeccably researched compilation of truth. I wouldn't expect any less from you. I can't imagine how even the most braindead of the sheep could read this, or even a part of it, and walk away unquestioning. You have pulled so many incredible resources together and presented it all in a way that's easy to read and understand. May many more awaken to the truth through this.
The thing that astonishes me
The thing that astonishes me is how both sides are completely opposite views pro-vac vs anti-vax. Though when anti-vaxer speak their truth they aren't trying to gain money in fact many risk their careers and will lose money while the vaxxers will be gaining billions. This is what first woke me up. Thank you for gathering the facts and speaking the truth despite the cost!
Thanks, Monica. I’m okay if
Thanks, Monica. I’m okay if my career blows up over this. Although I know it won’t. :)
Jill, this was incredibly
Jill, this was incredibly brave and well written! You have summed up the debate so well. What a great public service with references and links for the true truth seekers. Thank you, thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone and giving another voice to the parents who are asking for Informed Consent and protection for their children! We would love to link your article on our website!
Thank you. And thank you for
Thank you. And thank you for putting on an incredible conference. Share away. That’s why I wrote it. #riseuppeople #yoursilencewillnotprotectyou
Thank you Jill. As I steep in
Thank you Jill. As I steep in the depths of your well researched voice - I am both brought to my knees in grief, and yet uplifted in the grace that the truth is here for all to see.
Thank you for this huge
Thank you for this huge amount of work.I salute you.
Thank You! Thank You for
Thank You! Thank You for speaking out!
Wow. I took a survey the
Wow. I took a survey the other day for a major player in the autoimmune paleo community and said that the one thing that really fascinated me is that all those bloggers and leaders never address vaccination as a root cause of autoimmune disease. As someone with chronic Hashimotos, my health is worse than my 67 year old mothers which is not how things are meant to be! I have never vaccinated my children, knowing that there has never been long term studies on what artificially stimulating the immune system and bypassing natural biological process (let alone what crazy ingredients get injected into the body) actually does.. and I'm certain it has a lot to do with the explosion in lifelong chronic conditions we see today. Interestingly, my children (17 and 3) have no health issues whatsoever. Thank you for being brave and speaking the truth when so many want us to sit down and shut up. One day it will be so obvious that people will be ashamed of themselves for being duped for so long. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you, Claire. Sitting
Thank you, Claire. Sitting down and shutting up is disingenuous. I’m over it. Any practitioner worth their salt in the autoimmunity sphere *knows* that shots are a huge contributor to autoimmune conditions. But too many have their heads in the sand. As my article says, and to quote Jennifer Margulis, perhaps they don’t want to get “Wakefielded.” But if you can’t speak the truth and be totally honest with people about why we have skyrocketing rates of autoimmunity, including in the childhood population, you should step aside, in my opinion.
Many of these practitioners continue to sell books and programs about autoimmunity without ever mentioning shots. I’m astounded and disappointed that so few are speaking out, especially with these mandates on the horizon, and I’ve lost respect for many of them. Dr. Kelly Brogan and Dr. Ben Lynch are two who are blazing paths and I salute them.
This is now front and center in my practice. I’m not saying that this is an issue for every single person with autoimmunity, but I’m not afraid to go there and if you don’t want to talk about it, I respectfully ask that you don’t hire me. :)
Haha I couldn't agree any
Haha I couldn't agree any more. I also love both Dr Brogan (and her partner Sayer Ji) and Dr Lynch. You are joining their ranks. You're amazing and wish I could come see you in person myself!
Thank yyou for risking
Thank yyou for risking speaking out. 38 years ago in the UK I refused to vaccinate my daughter with all but polio and diptheria, and even then my goodness was there ant outcry about how it was 'people like me who condoned mass deaths from lack of vaccinations'.
Go, go, go.
Thank you. Amazing research.
Thank you. Amazing research.
so much respect to you! Thank
so much respect to you! Thank you for this! My kids are 11 and 7 and I live in SA. They do not push vaccinations on us here (yet) but I did my own research as a journalist and decided on doing very few vaccinations for my children and have not done any for 5 years as grew concerned about the ingredients and reactions I saw in my child. But. I can speak openly about my decision to very few likeminded people as being seen as an “anti vaxxer” will demonize me and my children become pariahs. I once had my child excluded from a party because she got Rubella (before it even came up on the vacc schedule— and it was less intense than a cold) . I was lambasted. I do not want to have to defend my decisions to anyone. Or justify what I choose to put into my children’s bodies. If we had legislation here like you do that was trying to force us to do it, I would stand up against it though — no matter the personal cost as it’s unacceptable! Standing up for what you believe when it’s hard to do so is the mark of bravery, character and integrity — I stand behind you in your fight to allow informed choice, thorough research and truth to light. I am so glad you have published this as sometimes I have doubted my decision or worried that I was being ridiculous but intuitively and in my readings, I knew on a deeper level I was not. But that’s the tactic.. to shame and make you think you’re crazy...and I have a good friend with a severely vaccine injured child!
Nikki, fellow South African
Nikki, fellow South African here living in Cyprus. I'm glad you followed your intuition to stop vaccinating. My son is 9 now and he got some vaccines up until just before he turned 2 and then I just got a huge download that we had to stop. My second born daughter is 5 now and she is completely unvaccinated and she has a really robust immune system. I too surround myself only with people I know won't demonise me. We are experiencing an uprising now on the island and a huge divide between the vaccinated and unvaccinated and I'm praying the mandates won't be passed. There will be war!
sending you so much love!
Wow. I have not read through
Wow. I have not read through the full version complete yet but I am I glad I found this. I have celiac, Hashimotos and histamine issues and have a long waited for 1 year old daughter. She has not been vaccinated and although I'm firm in my position, it is more out of the "listening to the still small voice" so gaining large amounts of scientific proof to add back up is greatly received. I too am an RN but gosh our medical approach is rediculous.
by the way, I also so appreciate your approach to diet and autoimmunity. I've been AIP for far too long and have been so hesitant to add foods for fear, reactions, guilt, sis I say fear? And your approach was very freeing. I have dried scant grains here or there over the years and I seem to do ok (even better then when I attempt the "paleo approved nut") but I also have this sense of guilt bc of what I've read about grains. Really appreciate your balanced approach-seems much healthier and makes more sense due to each persons individuality.
I find it very odd that the
I find it very odd that the medical community has not woke up to this yet. Big Pharma and the players I will not name here say they are trying to save lives, but at the same time completely destroying them. What is happening in Africa, India and China is here now and those responsible should be prosecuted to the letter of the law for committing willfully Crimes Against Humanity. We all need to speak out and share the research. Peace!
Thank you so much for this
Thank you so much for this monumental piece of research and reason. I have referenced it and sent this link to many of my clients. As a healthcare practitioner, I appreciate the time and energy you've spent gathering this information and making it accessible. From the very first time we spoke, several years ago, I knew that Healthful Elements was the real thing.
Thank you, Cyndi!
Thank you, Cyndi!
A wonderful and important
A wonderful and important article Jill. I will definitely be sharing it generously.
Grateful for your bravery and
Grateful for your bravery and that I found you.
This is a great resource for
This is a great resource for people who would like to be more informed on vaccines - I plan to send this out to others as well. Not only is there original info and data I haven't seen before, but all the good stuff compiled together from the many other resources I've looked at including several books, studies and websites like children's health defense.
Thank you.
Thank you.
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